An Post is now going to be inundated with similar requests
We Irish love a good old moan. In fact, we absolutely adore it.
Any public service, every government decision, every piece of mail that's lost.
But it's safe to say, after seeing this, we will never say a bad word about An Post again.
As detailed in the genius This Blog Delivers, one ambitious individual recently decided to REALLY put our mailing service to the test.
Indeed, they have already sent several different letters, each with confusingly cryptic addresses – all to see what the good folk at the GPO would be able (or bothered) to deliver.
And the results are hilariously impressive…
A dice with one line of the address on each side. An Post delivered it two days later.
They also delivered this letter where the address could only be read by looking in a mirror…
The sender said that this jigsaw address was delivered along with "a polite note explaining why they opened it. That is horribly impressive." Yes, yes it is.
The delivery people had to pull the arrows to reveal the address. It arrived at its terminus the next morning.
Could An Post really be bothered to solve a crossword to discover this letter's chosen destination? Yep; they sure did – it was delivered.
And so it should be fairly unanimously acknowledged… An Post is officially up for the craic.