So, if you've ever attended a wedding, dinner party, or any fancy event where alcohol is on offer, you'll know a glass or two of prosecco can make you very tipsy, very quickly. 

You think, 'ah yeah go on, sure one glass won't hurt', and before you know it you're sitting in a bathroom stall trying to compose yourself before anyone notices how tipsy you are. 

We've always put it down to the fact that we're just lightweights doomed to make fools of ourselves in social situations, but now it seems there's actually a scientific reasoning behind the phenomenon. 

According to reports, fizzy alcoholic drinks like prosecco and champagne DO actually get us drunk faster. 

Apparently the bubbles help move the alcohol into our bloodstreams much more rapidly than other alcohols. 

See, when our stomachs are full of fizz, the prosecco is forced to push through at a much quicker pace, meaning it'll go to you head before you know it. 

I don't know about you, but I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders – it all makes so much sense. 

So, next time you find yourself feeling a little merry after a glass of bubbly, raise you glass and toast to the wonderful world of science.