Ivanka Trump said she had a ‘punk phase’, but Twitter isn’t having it
In her recently released memoir Raising Trump, the US president's first wife, Ivana, reflects on her extraordinary life and the raising of her three children.
And while we're guessing the book is full life lessons and inside info about her former husband, there's one particular revelation that has really got people talking – Ivanka Trump's 'punk phase'.
The president's daughter made the comments in section she penned for her mother's new book, saying how she “dyed her hair blue” and was “really into Nirvana.”
“During my punk phase in the nineties, I was really into Nirvana. My wardrobe consisted of ripped corduroy jeans and flannel shirts,” she wrote.
“One day after school, I dyed my hair blue. Mom wasn’t a fan of this decision.”
Unsure what to do with this information, Twitter users did what they do best – made a complete mockery out of the whole thing.
Ivanka is trying to take away our heritage!! OUTRAGE!!! Grunge is not Punk. https://t.co/SQDDFOrbuu pic.twitter.com/SHtE1pYom3
— Dusty (@DustinGiebel) October 17, 2017
Ivanka Trump said she had a "punk phase" so here's proof pic.twitter.com/edkDhgtKbn
— Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) October 17, 2017
Ivanka Trump's alleged punk phase consisted of listening to Sk8er Boi and relating to the girl who said see you later boy
— Orli Matlow (@HireMeImFunny) October 17, 2017
I CAN'T WAIT for the Ivanka Trump punk memes to begin! pic.twitter.com/ceL34Uum5D
— Christian Nightmares (@ChristnNitemare) October 17, 2017
I didn't realise how punk AF Ivanka was back in the day. pic.twitter.com/izwEYVn2cN
— Rad Wolf Bar Mitzvah (@emosewAcaMdaR) October 17, 2017
Her punk phase involved heavy eyeliner, "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne & trying to ride a skateboard once while being trailed by chauffeur
— Kneel deGrasse Tyson (@CandaceMQZ) October 17, 2017
This whole situation has taught us two things:
1. Ivanka probably wasn't as 'punk' as she thought she was.
2. Never ever claim to to have been a part of any subculture, because Twitter will go in on you.