HomeTagsPosts tagged with "pyjamas"



Christmas is coming and we’re already starting to worry about what presents to buy our loved ones.

There are some people that are just so hard to buy for but Aldi are here to save the day.

They are selling the dream gifts for fans of Friends, including pyjamas- the best present of all if we’re being honest.

The Aldi Friends range is full of perfect presents for fans of the show (which is basically everyone) and best of all, they’re really affordable.

Enjoy a cuppa like you’re in Central Perk with the Friends Ceramic Mug. The 90s Friends PJs are only €9.99 and look super cosy. 

We are actually excited to start our Christmas shopping now. You can check out the full range below:

Duvet Set €19.99
Central Perk Mug €5.99


Friends Cushion €7.99
PJ Set €9.99
Travel Mug €6.99

 The above products are available in 139 Aldi stores nationwide from  Thursday, November 21.



Who doesn't love to stay in their PJs all day? It is a weekend after all.

But when we do eventually (and unfortunately) decide to change out of our pyjamas, the question arises – do we put our comfy clothes in the wash, or are they okay for another wear?

An intense debate recently started after a woman on Mumsnet said that she washes her pyjamas after every use, which many thought was a bit too often.

Others, though, were still questioning how frequently our pyjamas need to be washed.

Prima spoke to Verity Mann, Head of Testing at the Good Housekeeping Institute, to get the scoop on proper PJ etiquette.

'Pyjamas should be washed after a few good nights' sleep,' the expert shared.

Hungry Pyjama GIF

'If you shower before you go to bed, you can wait a few extra nights between washings: I'd say once a week, so every seven days.'

However, Verity shared that sweaty sleepers may need to throw their PJs into the washing machine more often.

'If you're a sweaty sleeper you should increase this,' Verity told Prima: 'If someone has been ill, wash them straight away on as high a temperature as the care label allows.'

A poll of British couples from 2015 found, though, that the average woman washes their pyjamas less than Verity advises – waiting 17 days to do so!

Well, we're happy to hear we can forgo washing our PJs… for a little bit.


What do you think of Verity's recommendation, mums? How often do you prefer to wash PJs? Let us know!


Is there anything cuter than teeny tiny pyjamas? Yes, when they happen to MATCH with your own PJs. 

If the idea of rocking gorgeous matching pyjama sets with your precious little one is something you are into – please keep reading. 

SO – the gorgeous humans over at Penneys are selling matching mum-and-daughter pyjama sets, and they're adorable. 

Oh, and incase you were wondering, they're DISNEY! 

Yep, that's right – these gorgeous pyjama sets contain big pyjamas for mums, and mini ones (that literally say 'Minnie Me' on them) for your daughter or son.

While we totally appreciate that it's very premature, we cannot help but think that the PJs would be PERFECT for Christmas morning. 

The grown up set will set you back a reasonable €14, and the little set only costs a tenner. 

If you don't want to stop there though, why not get yourself the matching slippers? It'd be rude not to. 

No little one in your life? No bother, just buy the adult ones for yourself. 

We're obsessed. That is all. 


When it comes to what you wear to bed, we frankly think that nobody should be judged on it.

Pyjamas, your boyfriend's T-shirt, a onesie, nothing at all – it all depends on what you're comfortable with.

However, this dude, William Hanson, shared his views on the Daily Mail about your "nocturnal wardrobe" and what is appropriate bedroom etiquette, and honestly, it's a load of BS.

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For example, if you wear open-back slippers, you apparently look like you live in a brothel… OK, then.

According to William, onesies are a massive no-no: "If you still desire to wear a onesie to bed (or indeed, around the house) then a key part of the weaning process has failed and you need reset to factory settings." 

And, if you sleep starkers, you're 'oversexed': "Those who admit to getting into bed naked are highly suspect, oversexed, and not to be let anywhere near quality bedding." 

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However, dressing gowns are totally OK, and "no nocturnal wardrobe is complete without a gown. True gentlemen fasten their gowns left over right, whilst genuine ladies fasten them right over left."

And we had to LOL at this one. When it comes to slips or negligées, "if you see a woman wearing one of these, lock up your sons and keep your husbands close." Because we're after ALL the men, right?

When it comes to slippers, they "should have a heel and have ankle support." Heeled slippers? No thank you. "Open-backed slippers, sometimes termed 'mules', have something of the brothel about them."

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Clearly, this guy is not from the 21st Century, and thinks that while wearing curlers in your hair is fine, "wearing them to bed is strictly déclassé. Your husband should not see you in rollers. Ever."

I guess my boyfriend wants to run for the hills when he sees my in a raggy T-shirt, with Sudocrem on my spots and my hair a greasy mess, huh?

Pyjamas are grand though, once the colour is "calming and gentle, rather than loud and garish." 

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Oh, and "one hallmark of class is to have pyjamas monogrammed."

We'll pass on the advice, Willy, thanks.



The world just cannot get enough of the cute mini-Royals, and we have been absolutely spoiled this week.

Not only were the Royal family celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday, but they also welcomed President Obama and the First Lady to town – and it seems Prince George has made the world-famous couple feel right at home!

The little prince has melted hearts around the world this weekend, after photos of him greeting the Obamas in his pyjamas were released online.

Kensington Palace’s official Twitter account shared a series of shots of the cherubic two-year-old shaking hands with President Obama, dressed in blue gingham pyjamas and a white robe and slippers.

One shot showed the prince astride a beautiful rocking horse – a gift previously given to him by the Obamas, apparently.

“Prince George thanks Barack Obama for his rocking horse, given to him when he was born,” explained the caption.

As you can well imagine, the Internet has gone ga-ga for the sweet photos – and it seems the ‘George’ effect is in full swing, with the tot’s cute monogrammed robe, patterned PJs and aeroplane-print slippers selling out in minutes online!

Oh, how we adore these little insights into the Duke and Duchess’ family life.


 A new and slightly alarming poll has found that men and women wear the same pyjamas for far too many nights in a row.

The research found that on average, men wear the same pyjamas for almost fourteen days, while women wear theirs for seventeen nights before throwing them in the laundry.

Given that we sweat a LOT at night, this finding has alarmed health experts, with Professor Sally Bloomfield from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine saying: “Pyjamas are against your skin. You shed skin cells at a vast rate all the time. They are full of microorganisms. We all have skin and gut organisms that are usually not harmful on our skin and in our gut. But if they get into the wrong place they can cause problems.”

The professor went on to say that due to this, wearing the same pyjamas so often can actually cause quite a lot of nasty infections that we definitely do NOT want, including cystitis and MRSA: “Quite a lot of us carry staphylococcus bacteria, which can cause infections if they get into cuts and bruises. We all carry E Coli bacteria in our bowel. Again, most strains are not harmful. But if they get into the urinary tract they can cause infection. That would cause cystitis (a urinary tract infection). Some people carry MRSA, which is obviously gets very hard to treat, especially with antibiotic resistance." Now that is scary!

So what are women’s excuses for wearing their pyjamas so often? Well, it all comes down to having too many it would seem! More than half of the women asked said that they alternate between a number of pyjamas and so forget which ones haven’t been washed, and which have.

The remaining number of women, 51 per cent said that they don’t wash their pyjamas all that often as they have only worn them for a few hours each night.

We’re sure that after reading these alarming statistics and warning from a health expert we'll all be washing our pyjamas a lot more often! 


'The Style Show' delivers your daily dose of fabulous fashion! In today's segment, "High-Street Hotlist" reporter Niamh Geaney brings you some inexpensive and fun outfit ideas for Halloween. You’ll never look at the pyjama section the same way again!
