When it comes to what you wear to bed, we frankly think that nobody should be judged on it.
Pyjamas, your boyfriend's T-shirt, a onesie, nothing at all – it all depends on what you're comfortable with.
However, this dude, William Hanson, shared his views on the Daily Mail about your "nocturnal wardrobe" and what is appropriate bedroom etiquette, and honestly, it's a load of BS.

For example, if you wear open-back slippers, you apparently look like you live in a brothel… OK, then.
According to William, onesies are a massive no-no: "If you still desire to wear a onesie to bed (or indeed, around the house) then a key part of the weaning process has failed and you need reset to factory settings."
And, if you sleep starkers, you're 'oversexed': "Those who admit to getting into bed naked are highly suspect, oversexed, and not to be let anywhere near quality bedding."

However, dressing gowns are totally OK, and "no nocturnal wardrobe is complete without a gown. True gentlemen fasten their gowns left over right, whilst genuine ladies fasten them right over left."
And we had to LOL at this one. When it comes to slips or negligées, "if you see a woman wearing one of these, lock up your sons and keep your husbands close." Because we're after ALL the men, right?
When it comes to slippers, they "should have a heel and have ankle support." Heeled slippers? No thank you. "Open-backed slippers, sometimes termed 'mules', have something of the brothel about them."

Clearly, this guy is not from the 21st Century, and thinks that while wearing curlers in your hair is fine, "wearing them to bed is strictly déclassé. Your husband should not see you in rollers. Ever."
I guess my boyfriend wants to run for the hills when he sees my in a raggy T-shirt, with Sudocrem on my spots and my hair a greasy mess, huh?
Pyjamas are grand though, once the colour is "calming and gentle, rather than loud and garish."

Oh, and "one hallmark of class is to have pyjamas monogrammed."
We'll pass on the advice, Willy, thanks.