23 questions that plague 20-something girls
Should I get a dog and a fringe and move to Australia or do a Masters and cut out carbs forever?
The list of woes that plague a 20-something is lengthy and intense. The following are the most mind-racking.
1. Can I drink the same day I take the morning after pill?
2. Should I get a job teaching English in China and totally just fly to China?
3. Should I just get married and have babies?
4. Should I get rid of Netfix to be more productive?
5. Should I make a profile that advertises for a sugar daddy?
6. Do I really need to pay for a dentist appointment?
7. Can I cut out carbs for good, forever?
8. Am I lactose intolerant/coeliac?
9. Should I sell my eggs for rent money? Or freeze my eggs for, I don’t know, The Future?
10. Should I go back to college?
11. Should I start a webseries/tumblr/twitter about being twentysomething?
12. Is my best female friend going to be more successful/happier/better off than me?
14. Is Pot Noodle an acceptable meal?
15. Am I too old for shorts?
17. How many times a week do I have to change my sheets?
18. Should I date a guy who is still in college?
19. Am I ready for a dog? (If you are, for the love of God, get a rescue)
20. Does this crop-top make me look like I’m trying to be Rihanna?
21. Do I care about Miley Cyrus?
22. Am I going to change my mind about Team Edward or Team Jacob now that I am watching Twilight as a grown woman?
23. Should I be on Tinder?
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