Rejoice! Red wine is actually GOOD for your teeth (so says science)
Good news, ladies!
Not only can red wine improve memory and boost fertility, but a new study has found that a glass of vino could actually do wonders for your pearly whites.
But wait? What about the stains?
I have to admit that this was the first question that popped into my head after discovering the research, but as it turns out, certain components of the beverage could help fend off bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.
Researchers at the American Chemical Society examined the effect of polyphenols, a chemical structure which is a known antioxidant, on oral health.
Results published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed that red wine actually reduces the ability of plaque-causing bacteria to stick to the teeth and gums – promoting an improvement in overall oral health.
The research also linked red wine to multiple health benefits including good bacteria in your gut and a lower risk of diabetes.
Not fond of the vino noir?
Not to worry, polyphenols can also be found in drinks such as coffee, green and black teas, and orange and lemon juice – but, just like most things, the positives will only be seen when consumed in moderation.
Cheers to that!