It’s Kiss a Ginger day! 6 redheads we would LOVE to plant one on
It's January 12 and you know what that means! Don't you? Oh you don't? Well you should.
It's the sixth annual Kiss a Ginger Day!
So it's about time you grabbed your nearest and dearest flame-haired friend and planted a big smacker on them.
The day was launched on Facebook in 2009 as a response to 2008's Kick a Ginger day which sparked international outrage. Now in its sixth year, we reckon it's only a matter of time before this day becomes an internationally recognised holiday.
To celebrate, we have lined up some redheaded celebrities that we would love to bump into today….
1) Eddie Redmayne
Toeing the line flawlessly between ginger and blonde, it's only fitting that Eddie's surname is Redmayne – considering that he literally has a red… mane….
2) Ed Sheeran
This one will be controversial as when it comes to Ed Sheeran, you either love him or hate him.
From his talent to his tattoos, who are we kidding? We would definitely not miss an opportunity to plant a big one on him.
3) Damien Lewis
Rough around the edges, mysterious and a total dreamboat.
We are still recovering from his topless scenes in Homeland.
4) Rupert Grint
Who would have thought that Ron Weasley would grow into the tall, hunky looker that he did….
He could singlehandedly make all our childhood dreams come true.
5) Prince Harry
Perhaps the most eligible bachelor on our list, we would take a royal romp with this prince any day.
6) Domhnall Gleeson
How could we do a post on redheads and not include an Irish face.
Domhnall has been on our crush list for years but he really got our attention after holding his own on this smouldering Vogue shoot.