The changing face of one Modern Family star: his surgery obsession
Indulging in numerous painful and botched cosmetic procedures since his teenage years, one Modern Family star has now opened up about his battle with body dysmorphia.
Reid Ewing, who plays the slightly dim but totally lovable Dylan, (Haley's on-off boyfriend) has said that he felt completely unattractive when he first arrived in Hollywood.
Indeed, he felt numerous cosmetic surgery procedures were the only way to secure a successful acting career.
Writing a blog for the Huffington Post yesterday, the actor wrote that his obsession began when he moved to Hollywood in 2008 and that he started to get procedures at the age of 19.
"I genuinely believed if I had one procedure I would suddenly look like Brad Pitt," he wrote.
Mr Ewing also criticised the four separate doctors who never once questioned his motives for going under the knife at such a young age. Indeed, he says they actually told him he would need some cosmetic surgery in order to be successful.
"I told the doctor why I felt my face needed cosmetic surgery and told him I was an actor. He quickly determined that large cheek implants would address the issues I had with my face, and a few weeks later I was on the operating table.
“Of the four doctors who worked on me, not one had mental health screenings in place for their patients, except for asking if I had a history of depression, which I said I did, and that was that.”
Reid goes on to talk about the agony he went through while under taking the painful and life changing procedures.
“I woke up screaming my head off from pain, with tears streaming down my face. The doctor kept telling me to calm down, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything but scream, while he and his staff tried seemingly to hold back their laughter.”
Borrowing money from his parents and grandparents to fund the procedures, Reid continued to get surgeries such as cheek implants and chin implants, the results of which he described as “horrendous”.
The treatments were ongoing throughout his stint on Modern Family – until he finally opted to seek help for his illness in 2012.
“I think people often choose cosmetic surgery in order to be accepted, but it usually leaves them feeling even more like an outsider," he added.
“Before seeking to change your face, you should question whether it is your mind that needs fixing.”