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If you're like us then you're constantly forgetting where you put your keys in the morning.

Or you walk into a room to do something and then poof! You can't remember what that something was.

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If you're always misplacing things then listen up, because apparently we have an untapped memory reserve that we never use – and really should.

The ancient Greeks first touched on this and a recent study by Cell.com has proved that we can create a 'memory palace' for ourselves.

According to the research, tapping into your 'memory palace' requires you to create vivid images of the things you want to remember later.

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So, if you want to remember where you put your keys, visualise them on the kitchen table, so it'll be in your mind for when you want to find them. Make sense?

The study also revealed that if you use this method over 40 days, your brain activity will also increase. 

A few Sherlock Holmes vibes going on here…

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Memory is a powerful thing – anyone who has been brought back in time by a certain smell or piece of music can attest to that.

But imagine if your memories took over your whole life?

Brisbane woman Rebecca Sharrock has a rare condition which means her capacity to remember things is greatly increased.

As well as trivial things like dates and long numbers, Rebecca can recall events from long ago in huge detail – and can recite entire books word-for-word without prompting.

While most of us can't remember anything before the agree of three, Rebecca says she recalls her first memory from when she was just 12 days old.

"I remember my mum placing me in the drivers seat of the car and taking a picture of me," Rebecca tells The Daily Mirror of her earliest moment.

“I remember every day since then. Some of them I can’t date exactly because I was too young to understand calendars, but I remember what I did that day, what the weather was like and so on."

Rebecca's condition is known as Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, and it even enables her to recall things like pain and taste.

"For example, I remember falling over when I was three at my grandparents’ house and grazing my left knee. Talking about it now, I’m getting an echo of the sting in my left knee cap."

And if she's eating something she's not a fan of, she can overpower the taste by thinking about her favourite kind of cake – Black Forest gateau.

"It won’t take away hunger but I can re-taste the cherries, chocolate and cream and that takes away the other taste," she explains.

To calm herself from an onslaught of thoughts and memories as a youngster, Rebecca used to recite the Harry Potter series chapter by chapter.

"When she had nightmares as a child, to take her mind off it we'd get her to just start reciting Harry Potter from chapter one," her mum Janet recalls.

Having been diagnosed with autism and OCD as a teen, Rebecca didn't know she had a specific memory condition under Janet saw a TV show about it in 2011.

"I just knew for sure that that was what Becky had too," her mum says.

Now Rebecca uses social media to help reach out to others with HSAM, as well as participating in a long-term study about the condition at at the University of California.



It’s happened to the best of us.

You see someone you’ve met a few times and realise you’ve drawn a complete blank on their name.

You bluff your way through the conversation, until that cringe moment when someone asks you to introduce them to your anonymous pal!

Here, a few super simple tactics to avoid that awkward moment for good.

When you first meet someone, immediately say their name out loud – “Nice to meet you Sue”

Form an association between the name and the person, such as ‘merry Mary’ or ‘tall Paul’. Do not say this out loud, and especially not in front of the person in question!

Rely on an external memory source. Tell your good-with-names friend or make a note in your phone or diary.

And if all else fails
Even if you can’t remember someone’s name, you can usually recall something about them, which will let them know you didn’t forget them altogether. Say something like, “I’m so bad with names, but I know we take spin together.” Or reintroduce yourself and hope they return the favour. Chances are they can’t remember your name either, so don’t sweat it.
