Katie Hopkins fires back at MAJOR Late Late Show invitation backlash
Earlier this week, Katie Hopkins infuriated people across Ireland by revealing that she will be appearing on The Late Late Show this Friday.
News of the controversial columnist’s impending visit led to the submission of letters of complaint to RTÉ and calls for people to boycott the historic chat show on social media.
In an open letter to the national broadcaster, Alan Maguire encouraged The Late Late Show to reconsider its decision to provide a platform for the opinions of a woman who, among other things, has “described refugees as cockroaches”.
I am not coming to @RTELateLateShow because of my chromosomes. I am coming because I am Katie Hopkins https://t.co/gzxE55MivF pic.twitter.com/9nvJumfEHK
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) November 9, 2016
Defining Katie as a “dangerous bigot”, Mr Maguire wrote: “It is simply not in the public interest to mainstream the dangerous views of people like Ms Hopkins in order to generate cheap and pointless Twitter outrage.”
“I thought The Late Late Show was better than this,” he continued. “I believe The Late Late Show should be better than this.”
As expected, the former Celebrity Big Brother contestant has not taken her critics’ views lightly as she has taken to Twitter to challenge those who oppose her invite.
I've sent a complaint to RTÉ about Katie Hopkins' Late Late appearance. Maybe you'll consider doing so too. complaints@rte.ie pic.twitter.com/pT3zYmy5Ym
— November Alan (@alan_maguire) November 9, 2016
Replying to Mr Maguire’s tweet, the 41-year-old mother of three fired back: “A dangerous bigot? I speak my mind. Regular taxpayers are sick of political correctness and the multicultural mafia.”
A dangerous bigot? I speak my mind. Regular taxpayers are sick of political correctness and the multicultural mafia https://t.co/zh0CvkcWMv
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) November 10, 2016
In response to similar complaints, Katie wrote: “In my experience lefty lovies are braver behind their sticky keyboards, flossing their teeth with their toenails.”
In my experience lefty lovies are braver behind their sticky keyboards, flossing their teeth with their toenails https://t.co/0W6WuKLoTL
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) November 10, 2016
And: “Ireland. We voted for Brexit. America voted for Trump. Get over it.”
Ireland. We voted for Brexit. America voted for Trump. Get over it https://t.co/sfZvOoroCt
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) November 10, 2016
It sounds like Katie is coming with all guns blazing.
Good news team. I have booked my flight. ……to the @RTELateLateShow on Friday. Look forward to seeing you there #MAGA pic.twitter.com/pDeKMbK5q9
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) November 9, 2016