Confessions of an Irish Mammy: Christmas messes and black coal
We can probably all admit that the lead up to Christmas is just as much of a stressful time as it is a merry time.
The rush to get presents, cook the food and clean the house can drive people up the wall and in a recent survey, Irish parents' devious methods for cleaning-up were revealed.
Shockingly, nearly 71 percent of parents throw out their kids' toys ahead of Christmas without telling them (but all parents know they won't even remember said toys, right?). And poor Granny is blamed for giving kids the most presents.
Also, a lot of parents (six in ten) admit to threatening their children with coal if they are messy.
But even worse than that is the amount of waste that comes from giving the house a clean for the holidays.
Six in ten Irish parents will do a last minute clean of the home, and while that number is good, the numbers that follow aren't.
One in three are throwing plastic, rubber and toys into the recycling bin and because of this, Repak will have enough plastic to create over 51 MILLION Barbie dolls.
As well as that, there will be enough cardboard thrown out to make 262 million Christmas crackers and enough glass to create 1.7 million Christmas baubles. Shocking, right?!
So, instead of creating all of this rubbish, Repak want you to recycle wisely around this time of the year and be smart when starting your Christmas clear-out.
Maybe the results of this survey won't to as bad for Irish mothers next year!