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rosanna davison

Huge congratulations are in order for Rosanna Davison and Wes Quirke who are expecting their first child together. The couple revealed that they are set to welcome a baby girl in November.

The couple are expecting their daughter via gestational surrogate.

Rosanna revealed the joyous news in an honest and moving Instagram post where she opened up about her difficult journey to parenthood.


A post shared by Rosanna Davison MSc (@rosanna_davison) on

She wrote, “As our families & close friends know, this has been a long & very tough journey for us, sadly with multiple miscarriages along the way. We’ve dreamed of being parents for many years and I would have loved to carry my own baby, but for reasons unknown (most likely embryo rejection due to an overactive immune system) & although tests show excellent fertility, I’ve been unable to sustain any of my pregnancies, despite the best efforts of reproductive immunology experts & a lot of immune-suppressant medication, injections, intravenous infusions & surgery.”


A post shared by Rosanna Davison MSc (@rosanna_davison) on

Rosanna decided that gestational surrogacy was the best option for her after seeking advice from medical professionals, “Gestational surrogacy abroad became our only viable option for a biological child & we’re so thankful for the wonders of modern medicine & reproductive science."

The mum-to-be thanked all of the medical staff who are “making our family dream come true.” She also gushed about their surrogate, “Thanks to our amazing surrogate for keeping our little daughter healthy and safe… We already love her so much & can’t wait to finally hold her!”

Rosanna offered a message of support to those who are dealing with pregnancy loss and facing fertility struggles.


A post shared by Rosanna Davison MSc (@rosanna_davison) on

“If you’re going through this, I send you all of my love and support. As painful as it is, I’ve found that talking about it openly with trusted family & friends is deeply healing & greatly helps to reduce the stigma & sense of helplessness. 


A post shared by Rosanna Davison MSc (@rosanna_davison) on

“Proper awareness, support & understanding is crucial to the challenging physical & emotional recovery process, especially when all you want to do is blame yourself. Most of all, stay strong, positive & don’t give up on your family dreams… miracles really do happen,” she concluded.

Rosanna’s pregnancy announcement will certainly help women in similar situations feel a lot better. We couldn’t be happier for her.


Irish model turned influencer Rosanna Davison is rumoured to be entering the Celebrity Big Brother house.

According to an exclusive report from The Sun, the former Miss World will be joining the ranks of CBB.

The full list of  CBB contestants have been revealed by the tabloid, and also includes Made in Chelsea’s Sam Thompson and Girls Aloud star Sarah Harding.

US Youtuber Trisha Paytas and glamour model Jemma Lucy are also rumoured to be heading in. 

Rosanna has not made any indications on her social media regarding CBB, but the show is notoriously tight lipped about their contestants in the run up to the show. 

The gorgeous model will be joined by Paul Danan, Jordan Davies, Helen Lederer, Derek Acorah, Amelia Lily, Dawn Ward, Brandy Glanville, Shaun Williamson, Chad Johnson, Marissa Jade, and Gogglebox's Sandi Bogle. 

If the reports are true, we'll be rooting for Rosanna to win the prize! 


Feeling a little sluggish after Christmas? Too many late nights, excess food and wine, added weight from the over indulgence – time for a detox?

Perhaps it’s time to help our bodies rid itself of added toxins and impurities… don’t know where to start?

Don’t worry, ease yourself in with these five detox tips for the ABSOLUTE beginner:

Do your research

If you’re feeling daunted there have been plenty of healthy eating books launched this year to aid you in your detoxification. Eat Yourself Fit by Rosanna Davidson and The Plan written by Aoife Hearne, the dietician from RTÉ’s Operation Transformation are two of the top picks of 2016.

If you really want to get all serious about it, you could visit a nutritionist or dietitian for expert advice.


Most of us can’t function before our morning coffee, but caffeine can dehydrate the body, so try switching your caffeine infused beverage for a fruit tea for a few days – you will notice the difference!

Fruit Teas are an easy way to aid your detox goal as they are full of antioxidants and naturally caffeine free. With gorgeous flavours to choose from such as lemon, berry infusions and mint teas, there is something for everyone. You can use honey to sweeten up or add lemon for added flavor.

There are also specific detox teas available such as Miss Fit Skinny Teas which unlike other brands available are laxative free. The tea is full of all natural ingredients and comes recommended as a 14 or 28 day detox. 

Infused Water

Drinking more water will keep you hydrated and flush out all of the nasty toxins accumulated over the festive season. You could also try adding slices of cucumber, lemon, mint or ginger to your water. Starting your day with a cup of hot lemon water will kick-start your digestive system.

Avoid processed food

Everyone feels a little sluggish after the daily feasting over Christmas. By limiting your intake of processed foods you will give your digestive system a well-deserved rest. Instead try to eat more fruit and vegetables, for guidance you can check out the new food pyramid here.

Gentle exercise

We like the sound of that! And if the thought of spending time in the gym makes you nauseous, try getting out for a walk on your lunch break. Yoga and Pilates are also considered gentle forms of exercise, and are great ways to relax your body. Getting your body moving is not only good for your heart, it also releases feel good hormones called endorphins which has a positive effect on the body. Endorphins can also relieve pain, which can only be a good thing.


You'd almost feel a great big whack of empathy for the celebrities of yesteryear: after all, they did NOT have all the advantages of nifty hair gadgets, advanced hair products, and – most significantly – hair extensions that famous faces today can rely on.

Case in point: L'Oreal ambassador and all-round totally gorgeous gal Cheryl Cole – who once sported cornrows (hello, 2002) in a bid to jazz up her tresses. 

Nuff said. 

However, and while extensions have certainly in more recent times been championed by a host of red-carpet connoisseurs, small and big screen stars, and catwalk queens, adding to your own strands is now increasingly commonplace for us normal folk too. 

In fact, one recent survey in the UK revealed that an astonishing one in three women – from all walks of life – currently wears extensions. 


A video posted by Gold Fever Italia (@goldfeveritalia) on

Yes, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Katie Price once gave them a seriously bad name, but there's no doubt that the hair extensions available right now are a practically flawless addition to what nature already bestowed on you. 

A whack of celebrities opt for Gold Fever – mainly because it's seemingly as close to your own real hair as extensions come. That and it's ethically-sourced and fans of the brand swear that it doesn't cause any damage to their own precious tresses. 


A photo posted by Georgia Penna (@georgiapenna) on

The current crop of fans include the likes of models Georgia Salpa and Rosanna Davison; actress Michelle Keegan; Cocoa Brown's Marissa Carter, Made In Chelsea's Lucy Watson and Nicola Hughes; Celebrity Big Brother's Danielle Lloyd; and singers Una Healy, Tallia Storm, and Louisa Johnson.

But with prices for a set – which should last six months – ranging from a couple of hundred euro up to €1,000 for more complex transformations, is it money well spent?

Well, if the before-and-after snaps of Average Josephines in salon chairs up and down the country are anything to go by, the answer is a resounding 'yes!'. 

Online reviews from bloggers and influencers are suitably gushing too. 

"I have the flattest, straightest, most lank hair you can imagine, so I just love the volume and fullness the Gold Fever Hair Extensions give me," writes The Style Fairy, aka Naomi Clarke. 


A photo posted by Rosanna Davison (@rosanna_davison) on

"Even though I have a serious amount of hair, styling is very easy. It takes me about 10 minutes to curl my hair and about 15 to dry it," highlights The Beautiful Truth – Sinead Kavanagh.

"The results as you can see are nothing short of beautiful," states Kellie B Beautiful, aka Kellie Billings, adding: "It has definitely given me a little confident boost."

Yup, clearly things have come a LONG way since Paris and Nicole first rocked super-long and lanky locks on The Simple Life – and there's no doubt that (unlike Cheryl's cornrows) hair extensions is one trend that's here to stay.



We never considered that there could be a celebrity hairdryer – but the arrival of the LaniaBLO has officially proved us all sorts of wrong.

Yup, just about every hairspiration queen, Snapchat superstar and model with flicktastic tresses has been spotted branishing a white, black, or pink model of the newly-launched brand.


A video posted by Lanai Official (@lanaiofficial) on

The fact that you can get your NAME printed on the side is frankly enough for us to start furiously writing ‘Dear Santa…’ but the specs are also spot-on: namely 2400W of power (read: you’ll dry your hair VERY fast) and a super-long lead so you can stretch half way across the room to your mirror.


A video posted by Lanai Official (@lanaiofficial) on


And with the recently-launched Dyson SuperSonic costing a not-so jingle bells €400 (eh, does it come with free Blake Lively strands?!) we were also oh-so pleasantly surprised to see that the LanaiBLO is a far more festive-friendly €100.


Here’s a round-up of the celebs we’ve spotted sporting luscious locks courtesy of LanaiBLO…

Ceira Lambert:


@lanaiofficial Hairdryers now in stock first salon to have them #LanaiBLO

A video posted by Ceira Lambert (@ceiralambert) on

Yo I'm Jo:


Georgia Salpa:


A photo posted by Katie Jane Goldin (@katiejanegoldin) on

Di Milo Hair Design:

Lottie Ryan:


A photo posted by Lanai Official (@lanaiofficial) on

Holly Carpenter:


A photo posted by Holly Carpenter (@hollycarpenter) on


Faces By Graces:

Sinead Duffy:



A photo posted by Sinead Duffy (@sinduffy) on

Rosanna Davison and Wesley Quirke:


A photo posted by Rosanna Davison (@rosanna_davison) on

Terrie McIvoy:


A photo posted by TerrieMcEvoy (@terriemcevoy) on

Holly Keating:


A photo posted by Holly Keating (@hollykeating1) on


Katrina Morrison:


A photo posted by Katrina Morrison (@katmorrison82) on


Rosanna Davison:


A photo posted by Lanai Official (@lanaiofficial) on


Marissa Carter:


A video posted by marissacarter (@marissacarter) on


Niamh Kennedy:


A photo posted by Lanai Official (@lanaiofficial) on

Joanna Coops:


A photo posted by Joanna Coops (@joannacoops) on


Nicola Hughes:


I’m one of those people completely caught up in the Instagram ‘fitspiration’ revolution. I follow posters of pics of coconut protein balls and juices, stare in awe at flexible yoginis doing crow poses on the beach in their Lululemons and find myself hypnotised by the effect the simple squat can have on your arse.

Pity all I’m doing is following, staring and finding myself hypnotised – I’ve yet to, ahem, actually DO anything.

So when the opportunity came up to give Proformer Pilates a go at Pilates Plus Dublin (with ambassador Rosanna Davison – eep!) I jumped at the chance. Who better to take my cues from than model and all-round health and fitness guru Rosanna?

My history with exercise is spasmodic at best, but with a definite pattern. I try different things all the time (pole dancing/aerobics in community halls with ladies of a certain vintage/boxercise) going hell for leather for a few months to lose a bit of weight. Then, when my jeans get a bit looser, I get complacent and quit.

But I’m getting older now, and trying to get back into it each time is getting harder and harder. I’ve been unfit for so long now that I need to find a consistent form of fitness I’m going to keep up. Could Proformer Pilates be what I was looking for?

So I pulled on my brand new ‘tights’ (prior to that I exercised in scuzzy trackie bottoms because I couldn’t fathom wasting money on sportswear – how times have changed) and a sports bra and vest from Penneys (because I’m easing myself in gently obvs) and bounced out the door, a little apprehensive but excited. I even slicked on some lippy, mascara and blusher, because, well, Rosanna.

As a complete newbie to Proformer Pilates, I got a bit of a fright when I arrived in the Dun Laoghaire studio – the machines had an air of the medieval torture chamber about them, something I joked about nervously. And when Rosanna was asked how hard the class was, she responded by laughing: “The first time I did it I sat in the car afterwards with my legs shaking”.

A groan of terror moved like a Mexican wave throughout the group.

Proformer Pilates is a full body workout using resistance and stretching on the Proformer machine, all while keeping the core engaged. Developed in LA (where else?) the workout is a favourite of the Victoria’s Secrets Angels, Michelle Obama and Kimmy Kay, and can burn up to 700 calories in one session.

Not the worst credentials.

It was time. Pilates Plus owner Emma Forsyth was bubbly and encouraging, and told us to get ready to use muscles we had never used before – gulp. Lying down on the machine, I was resigned to the fact I would probably make a holy show of myself, but hey, I was making a holy show of myself for work, so what harm, right?

Saying that, I had a moment of panic when I noticed there was a photographer snapping away at the class. I’m a notoriously minging exerciser, red-faced and sweaty with an unappealing expression that generally says, “Help me” or “Make it stop”. And now it was going to be captured in HD? Christ on a mountain bike.

We started with arm exercises using the straps, and just when it got to the point I couldn’t do any more, we suddenly stopped and moved to the next exercise. Bit by bit we worked out all muscle groups slowly, smoothly and with control – but don’t get me wrong, it was intense.

The 40 minute class actually passed in no time – and I put that down to the fact we moved so quickly from exercise to exercise, so I never got too sore or too bored: two things that usually characterise how I feel when working out. Props to Emma too for being so helpful and chatty throughout.  

Would I do it again? Deffo. I loved the way I didn’t have to run around like a lunatic with my boobs bouncing all over the place. I actually could LIE DOWN for most of this workout – while still busting my arse.

The dream.

Yep, this could definitely be new favourite exercise.

You can find out more about Emma's Pilates Plus studio and Proformer Pilates here.



Today will see thousands flock to Dublin City Centre in order to take part in the 5th annual March for Choice.

Hundreds of high-profile figures have stepped out and asked for support to repeal the Eight Amendment, and the latest star to do just that is Rosanna Davison.

She revealed yesterday that she fully supports the Repeal the Eight Campaign to change the law to make abortion legal in Ireland.

The author said that she doesn’t usually speak out about political issues, but for this, she wholeheartedly believes in it.

“I absolutely support the campaign,” she told The Irish Mirror.

“I tend to stay away from politics but I personally believe that women should have the choice over their body and their fertility.”

The biggest ever turnout is expected today with crowds assembling at the Garden of Remembrance on Parnell Square at 1.30pm before marching to Leinster House at 2pm.


He’s the Voice Of Ireland host who pretty much wowed the nation when he got Ed Sheeran to sing Thinking Out Loud as Gaeilge.

Released last year, the album Ceol also featured the likes of The Coronas, Kodaline, and Keywest.

And now Eoghan has revealed in conversation with SHEmazing that he’s all set for Ceol round 2 – and that he has a HUGE US-star lined up for it.

“It’s going to be pretty massive,” the 2fm presenter added.

“We’re almost there on it – it’s just a matter of firming up the detail at this stage. I'm not going to name names just yet, they're up there with, say, Taylor-Swift in terms of fame.”

Eoghan was yesterday hanging out with the likes of Rosanna Davison and Samantha Mumba at the 3Live area at Longitude – where Three was hosting acoustic performances, secret gigs and film screenings.

And at the 3Club, Eoghan also impressed the revellers with an indoor DJ set.

“We’ve had a pretty crap summer and then all of a sudden the sun comes out… so I really wasn’t expecting the crowd to show up in the way that they did. But it was epic!

“I love the The Voice and I’d never knock it but it’s very much ‘silly jokes’. So it’s nice to bring back to music every now and then. There are really only a few companies that really do music properly – and Three is one of them.”

He’s adamant he doesn’t particularly have his sights set on the Late Late gig once Ryan Tubridy moves aside, but the 33-year-old says he loves Brendan O’Connor’s new show, Cutting Edge.

“He probably felt he had something to prove,” Eoghan adds, “but he’s definitely proved it now.”

That and he loves the Ellen DeGeneres format: “She does the silly stuff but then gets Obama for a discussion about racial inequality. It’s seamless.” 

Finally, Eoghan, who has been open about his own battles with depression and self-harm, recommends that everyone has a mentor – admitting that he has three.

“Years ago a guy was over from London to do some work with Spin 1038, where I had a show at the time. He liked what I was doing and brought me back with him to work on XFM – where likes of Dermot O'Leary, Russell Brand, and Ricky Gervais all cut their teeth. 

“That was a turning point. And I know I've been very lucky in my career to date.”



Every girl knows prepping for a big event can be a bit of a bit of a trek, so wouldn’t it be great to have some go-to tips to make sure your skin, hair and nails look picture perfect on the big day?

Top model Rosanna Davison believes that outer beauty starts with inner health.

She’s teamed up with one of Ireland’s leading beauty supplement providers Perfectil to give us eight easy follow tips for getting big bash ready.

1. Turn down the heat:

Step down on the heated rollers, tongs and flat irons.  You’ll be amazed at the difference this makes to your hair health.

2. Eat your greens:

If you get a skin breakout before an event, eat lots of dark green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale to help skin heal and fight infection and inflammation naturally.

3. Keep nails simple: 

Avoid having your cuticles cut or pushed back before a big event to prevent having red, swollen or ragged cuticles.

4. Moisturise:

 Start a really good moisturising routine and include regular massaging of your face, neck and décolletage.

5. Catch them Zzzs:

The simplest and easiest way to effectively prepare for a big event is to ensure your diet contains lots of beautiful skin foods, to stay hydrated, exercise and get lots of sleep.

6. Supplements:

Invest in and incorporate a really good supplement such as Perfectil into your beauty routine.  Perfectil has been developed based on 40 years of scientific research to provide beauty within.

7. Hydrate:

Combat pre-event stress with exercise and down time. Increase water consumption and cut down on processed, refined and deep-fried foods.

8. Carrots are key:

Add carrots and other nail nutritious foods that are rich with vitamins into your diet. Vitamins are crucial for strong and healthy nail growth.



Spotted posing for the camera in white heels and a cornflower-blue dress this week, there's no denying that Rosanna Davison already has her summer style on point.

Her label of the moment? Self Portrait, which she has already sported not once but twice in the last few days alone.  

The London based label has garnered a huge celeb following over the last couple of years, and while it's been around since 2013, it's still spotted on countless 'Best Dressed' lists.

Lace cut-outs, pretty floral themes and flattering cuts make the pieces oh-so Instagram-friendly – just take a look at Ms. Davison if you don't believe us:


@mrselfportrait dress & @kurtgeiger heels Styled by @briconstyle

A photo posted by Rosanna Davison (@rosanna_davison) on

Everyone from Glenda Gilson to Yvonne Keating has been spotted in the designs that fall somewhere between feminine and edgy – but the only problem for us non-celebs is their hefty price tag.

With dresses starting from €300 in Brown Thomas they’re not exactly what you’d call ‘high street,’ and they’re certainly not budget-friendly, unless your budget involves eating only beans on toast for two months.

Fear not though, as with a little digging we’ve found you some pretty good dupes you can snap up for a fraction of the price.


1. This summer-ready collared look

Blue Lapel Contrast Sheer Mesh Lace Dress, SheIn, €53.55


2. This cobalt blue sheer-panelled number

Blue Sheer Lace Open Back Dress, SheIn, €38.85


3. This white peplum dress, perfect for a summer event (though maybe not if you're a wedding guest)

Lisa Dress, Cari's Closet, €130


4. And this stunning black number, which we're nabbing for our next night out

Ashley Dress, Cari's Closet, €120


Long known for her Rapunzel-like blonde tresses, Rosanna Davison took everyone by surprise three weeks ago when unveiled her brand new look: significantly shorter hair sliced up to her shoulders.

"Chop chop!! Thanks to @ceiralambert for the new hairdo," she told her 107,000 Instagram fans late last month while also sharing a snap of her gorgeous gruaige. 

"Still have my @goldfeverhair in for volume but nice to have a change."


Chop chop!! Thanks to @ceiralambert for the new hairdo Still have my @goldfeverhair in for volume but nice to have a change

A photo posted by Rosanna Davison(@rosanna_davison) on

Suffice to say that here at SHEmazing Towers, we are BIG fans of the former Miss World's revised hair-do. In fact, we dare say she's never looked better.

We're not the only ones either, for it now transpires that a host of big names are eagerly following in nutritionist Rosie's stylish footsteps. 

First out of the traps was model Holly Carpenter. "Bit of a change for the weekend," she revealed less than a week after Ms Davison took the plunge.

"Got my @goldfeverhair out and a bit of a chop (my own hair has grown so much while my last set were in)."

Then late last week, Irish hairdresser to the stars, Maurice Flynn, shared a snap of Georgia Penna on his Instagram page.


Gave @georgiapenna a good chop. I love this length on her! What a babe

A photo posted by Maurice Flynn (@mauriceflynn) on

The model and recent mother-of-two looked seriously amazing with her formerly long locks cut up to just below her shoulders. "I love this length on her," Mr Flynn declared. "What a babe."

Meanwhile, over the weekend Michele McGrath, also a model, showed off her short and sexy style. "Thanks for my new bob @ceiralambert," she declared. "Love it." 

It remains to be seen who the next starlet to embrace a shorter style will be – though we reckon that one-time Miss Universe Ireland Roz Purcell would look all sorts of fabulous with a bob.

And regardless of who goes for the chop next – it's definitely official: the 'Rosanna' is the hottest hair trend going right now. 


Today marks the start of 2016, and while we wish we were ready to embrace the New Year, we probably need a few more hours to nurse our hangover first.

The same is most likely true for some big Irish names who rang in 2016 in style last night. Of course, not everyone hit the town – for some stars, it was a very low-key evening indeed.

Here's how a few of our faves celebrated the big night…

Ronan Keating  and Storm Uechtritz
The newlyweds headed to Verbier in Switzerland for a skiiing holiday with Ronan's children Ali, Jack and Missy, where they celebrated midnight with some aprés-ski action.


Rosanna Davison
Jealous face in place. Rosanna and her husband Wes Quirke took a post-Christmas holiday in Mauritius, where they've been soaking up the sun for the last few days. The model donned a stunning green dress from the H&M X BALMAIN collection for last night's celebrations *swoon*


Laura Whitmore
The MTV host rang in 2016 from New York, where she partied with her new rocker boyfriend Rory Williams and a gang of pals including her long-time friend Samantha Barry.


Georgia Salpa
New mum Georgia looked utterly stunning last night, but she told fans she had a low key evening, choosing to watch "the fireworks at home with my boys" – which not only includes her husband Joe Penna but the pair's new twin sons.


Vogue Williams
After admitting earlier this week that 2015 had been a "very tough year" for her, Vogue seemed to keep things calm last night, opting for a night in with these two:


Rozanna Purcell
Like many of us, Roz is starting 2016 with clean eating intentions, so it's fitting that she rounded off the year with a major treat. "Just before the new year starts getting an ultimate @moochfroyo00 kinder buenos sauce and smashed Oreo….. Over peanut butter soft serve froyo," she wrote on Instagram next to a snap of the decadent creation.

