Tubbers hits back at criticism about the Late Late Valentine’s special
Last Friday, The Late Late Show held a Valentine's Day special… which received hundreds of complaints.
The format of the show saw singletons in the audience being paired up, as well as Al Porter and Linda Martin perform a musical number together.
Cringey to say the least, but that's what happens when Irish people and love mix.
Denzel Washington is @AshlingThompson's fantasy date #latelate pic.twitter.com/NiLOiaV4dL
— The Late Late Show (@RTELateLateShow) February 10, 2017
But now, Ryan Tubridy has hit back at the haters, saying "the headlines bely the success of [the] show.
"The show actually went down very well and it got 46 percent share which is enormous and which is a very, very good result indeed," he told his RTE Radio 1 listeners.
"Yes of course a number of people complained but actually bigger numbers watched it and seemed to enjoy it and the story that seems to have emerged from that programme is that, well to me, it's a tale of two Irelands.
Let the sparks fly! #LateLateLove pic.twitter.com/wDqTdF3y3d
— The Late Late Show (@RTELateLateShow) February 10, 2017
"One Ireland is full of under 50s who thought it was a hoot and another Ireland full of over 50s who thought a little less of it in that sense."
He went on to say that everyone has their preferences, and the whole nation won't always like the same thing.
"The bottom line is we do 37 Late Late shows in a season, one we go bananas and that was Friday night and it was great fun.
.@TheAlPorter can't stop kissing people tonight! #latelate pic.twitter.com/O1nQowFpcT
— The Late Late Show (@RTELateLateShow) February 10, 2017
"In another we play with toys and we act like children and that goes down very well indeed.
"And another one coming up down the tracks will be the country show and some people will hate that because they don't like country and some people will love it because they love country," he added.