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We've seen what happens when Santa puts the fear of God into children; there's a lot of crying, screaming and running.

But even better is what happens when you put a cat in front of the big bearded guy.

Some are totally chill… and then there's the ones that want to rip Santa's beard off: 

1. They're nearly worse than screaming children


2. But this guy just looks as confused as ever


3. This one is in shock


4. But this one wanted to impress the big guy


5. He just KNOWS this Santa isn't real


6. But this cat's grumpy face trumps them ALL




When Christmas came around, you either LOVED seeing Santa in the grotto every year and couldn't wait to nab the present he gave you (because who doesn't like an early Christmas present?!). 

Or, you were the exact opposite and felt like visiting Santa was the WORST time of the festive season (who wants to sit on a randomer's lap anyway??). 

But these kids we've spotted popping up around social media are something else. The fear of god has definitely sunk into a few of them… and we can't help but laugh: 

1. The Great Escape 


2. 'Why did you do this to me, mam?!'


3. I'm a child… GET ME OUT OF HERE!


4. He's clearly having none of it


5. Her face is just priceless


6. The kid who climbed to safety


7. We honestly don't blame her though… 


8. She's giving her brother some serious side eye


9. Props to the sister for keeping her cool


10. When dad is dragged into the mix 


11. They can't get further away from him


12. The blur… and the brother who isn't far behind her


13. And the dog, who clearly doesn't want to be near Santa either




As adults we're delighted to receive gifts at all, let alone a whole stocking full of them. But rewind a decade or two and you'll remember the absolute PANIC of writing your Santa list. What if you left something out? What if you sent it too soon and changed your mind? What if Santa just didn't bother bringing you the toy of the moment?

Those were the days. Here are a few of the toys you most definitely prayed Santa would bring you on Christmas morning. After all, he got a good deal too – you left him out the fancy foil-wrapped biccie from the Afternoon Tea tin PLUS a glass of milk…

1. Mr. Frosty Ice Maker
How cool did this look on the ads? Though they somehow neglected to mention that it took hours of sweating and a LOT of upper body strength to produce one cup of measly ice…

2. Baby Born
She ate AND pooed. Oh, Zapf Creations, you evil geniuses.

3. A Furby
This freaky little fella gave you endless entertainment on Christmas morning, but by Stephen's Day you had him hidden in a cupboard just to get five minutes' peace. This parenting-a-robot stuff is hard, lads.

4. A Nintendo Gameboy
Plus the Pokemon Red and Blue games, obvs.

5. A candle-making set
Relatives would be presented with lopsided yellow candles for years to come.

6. A Tamagotchi
No matter how diligently you played with them, cleaned their poo and kept their happiness levels up, the little guys never made it past their teenage years. RIP, Nikatchi.

7. A Talkgirl Dear Diary
Macaulay Culkin had his Talkboy, and we had our electronic Talkgirl diaries. Just don't forget the password…

8. Sky Dancers
A total health and safety hazard… but so pretty!

9. Bop It
Forget Bop It Extreme, this was the original and best. Twist It! Pull It! Bop It! So MANY commands to remember.

10. Cupcake Dolls
We saw nothing wrong with grabbing our doll's skirt and placing it over her head to transform her. All in the name of aesthetics.



Have you ever wanted your own personalised snow globe, tailored to you or a loved one? Of course you have, personalised gifts are oh so extra special.

Luckily for us, Kilkenny Nassau Street are offering FREE personalisation of snow globes with every purchase, so you can get the most adorable Christmas gift with a special touch.

The offer is just for December 1, 8 and 15, so make sure to mark it in your Santa calendars. Only one day away until December, gals.

Be it a message of love to your significant other, or just a cheeky joke for your best mate, this is a stunning idea if we do say so ourselves.

John Coughlan is the man behind the messages, and Santa's shoppers can choose between a snowman, Christmas tree, musical or nativity themed globe for their gift, this is getting us so excited for December.

Kilkennyshop.com are also offering complimentary engravings on every snow globe which is more expensive than €29.95 from now until December 5, another date to remember.

Personalised gifts are part of a huge Christmas trend, and a snow globe is a classic winter treasure that will last a lifetime.

Ornaments like these are just made to be cherished, and even passed down the generations.

What would you ladies write in your messages? 


Coca-Cola is bringing back its hugely successful Designated Driver campaign this year in order to encourage the nation to give the 'Gift of a Lift this' December.

The campaign will offer free soft drinks to any drivers who stay sober to bring their loved ones home safely throughout Christmas; what a fab way to motivate us.

The Road Safety Authority and Coca-Cola HBC Ireland are joining forces to keep our roads safe, especially during a time where the pubs are full of people celebrating the season.

Over the last 14 years, over €7 million has been invested by Coca-Cola into the campaign to promote road safety, and have rewarded countless Christmas heroes who helped their friends and families get to where they needed to go.

The role of the Designated Driver can be a tedious one, but it's never worth the alternative. Getting yourself and your close friends and family home is the perfect way to give to them this Christmas.

An Garda Síochána, the Road Safety Authority and Drinkaware are all supporters of the campaign, which has local and national heroes such as GAA stars as its representatives.

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Shane Ross said;

“For many people, December will be a month of celebration; the way to ensure that the season remains festive is to plan ahead…so please, don’t drink and drive, instead travel with a designated driver and ensure you and your loved ones all get to 2019 safely.”

Any Designated Drivers can visit www.DesignatedDriver.ie to download a voucher for two free soft drinks, which can be presented at over 1000 pubs across Ireland. Otherwise they can simply make themselves known to bar staff.

I can think of a good few people who will be wanting the 'Gift of a Lift' this year, that's for sure.



Rihanna is pretty much a goddess not of this earth. We do not deserve her, or her iconic Fenty Beauty range. That's for certain.

The versatile vixen has now released a new Christmas range for her Savage x Fenty lingerie line, and it's fair to say our minds are officially blown.

I mean, does this woman ever take a day off from being perfection?


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She captioned the post: 

We getting NAUGHTY-not-NICE this season! @savagexfenty just dropped The Ultimate Gift Guide to help you shop gifts for everybody in ya life !! Hit up SavageX.com to get 50% off everything for a limited time!”

Tbh we barely read the caption because we were far too busy staring at how drop-dead gorgeous she is in the post, but obviously we will be lining up to get whatever this gal offers us.

Naturally, the topless pic pretty much set the internet on fire, and went instantly viral. Everything she does goes viral, but this is next level fire.

Fans are still spamming the singer, actress and fashion icon regarding news of her ninth studio album, and one particularly quick fan noticed that RiRi registered two new songs:

PLEASE let her release new mucic, it's all we need, it's all we CRAVE in the universe. She hasn't released her own music since 2016's ANTI.

Her badass tunes are the oxygen to our lungs. The Ant to our Dec. The Rudolph to our Santa. You get the picture…

Well, it's official: being nice is cancelled. It's over.

Rihanna said it in her underwear, so it must be true.



Since the moment the clock stuck midnight on October 31, the Christmas season is upon us.

Well, some people argue that December is the only month allowed for the Santa hype train to leave the station, but we totally disagree. The Christmas tunes are blaring, ChristmasFM is almost back up and running, and the greatest jumpers are already in stores right now.

Finding the funniest, most glamorous or just plain ugly Christmas styles can be a tricky task. We've only gone and done you the favour of finding all the best ones. Thank us later, a Christmas card will do. Or maybe some mulled wine and mistletoe?


dance brings GIF

1. The drinking game jumper

First up, we've got an actual drinking game in woolly jumper form. There literally is nothing else as magical. Tipsy Elves have gifted us with this joy, order it from Amazon for €45 and you'll be the life of every festive party. 

They even have the rules for the game printed on the back so you won't forget, and it comes with six balls for you and your pals. Hint: the bulls eye results in the entire party drinking. Good luck with that one…

2. The Jesus jumper

Up next, we have a Jesus Christ birthday jumper from Uppers and Downers, the current price is €59.

To be fair, the Christian holiday is supposed to be celebrating the religious day of Jesus' birth, so the fact that his face is on a jumper isn't unheard of.

It is most definitely unconventional however, especially seeing as he is sporting a birthday hat, a red balloon and a dove. To each their own, we say.

3. The Tupac tribute

Next, we've got an actual Tupac Christmas jumper. We didn't think it was possible either, but Tipsy Elves have only gone and done it.

Get your official "Only Santa can judge me" jumper for €35.50 from Amazon, and rest assured you will be the talk of the hip-hop town.

The resemblance between Tupac and Mr. Claus is uncanny… sort of…

4. The gin-lovers jumper

Gin lovers, this one is going to rock your world. Not On The High Street have released an exclusive Christmas jumper dedicated to a stunning gin pun.

GINgle Bells: we truly want to shake hands with whoever thought of this as a Christmas jumper concept, it's pure GINius.

It won't break the bank either, the website are releasing it for just €37, excluding shipping from the UK.

Get on this one ASAP, we have a feeling plenty of Bombay Sapphire, Cork Dry and Hendricks fans will be racing to purchase it..

5. The glow in the dark jumper

This next festive fashion piece looks pretty normal at first glance. That is, until the lights go off. The white material turns fluorescent green and the red material reverts to black, so there will be no difficulty in spotting you once night falls.

Yes, Jolly have legitimately created a GLOW IN THE DARK Christmas jumper. For an absolute steal as well; it's only €32.

If you are desperate to light up the party, this is the one for you. 

6. The Brexit jumper

This next offer is tongue-in-cheek with a heavy dose of politics: Teespring have created a jumper based around Brexit. Seriously.

It's currently priced at €32.16, and has already gained traction online due to the controversy of the UK situation.

Will you be that person at the Christmas party who has one glass of mulled wine and engages in serious political debate throughout the night?


A post shared by Andrew (@andrewknight1988) on

7. The Make Christmas Great Again jumper

This next one is yet another political figure reference, wear it if you dare.

Yes, someone genuinely took it upon themselves to design a jumper around Donald Trump. As if his face doesn't bombard us in every other domain…

Cloud City 7 appear to want to stoke some light-hearted Christmas cheer through a dash of controversy, for just €31 (delivery not included.) Keep the change, ya filthy animals.

 8. The Game of Thrones jumper

We are MAJOR fans of this next one, inspired by Game of Thrones, of course.

Funky Christmas Jumpers online are releasing this magical themed jumper for just €44.99

The twist on the classic phrase 'Winter is Coming' has us GASPING for Christmas (and the final ever season of the show, no biggie). 

We recommend try building a Jon Snow-man to match the jumper, just' a thought.


A post shared by Funky Christmas Jumpers (@funkychristmasjumpers) on

9. The selfie jumper

The next joyous jumper we discovered is also from Funky Christmas Jumpers, and is about as millennial as they come.

A JESUS SELFIE jumper has indeed been created. Even more absurd, a COUPLES JESUS SELFIE jumper.

Stop the world, we're getting off.

10. The Tesco Value jumper

Last but not least, the Tesco Value Christmas jumper.

For those Christmas fans who want to keep things on the cheap, this offering is perfect for you.

We wonder if Supervalu, Dunnes Stores, Lidl or Aldi will release their own versions? Competition is healthy, folks.

There you have it, 2018's latest and greatest Christmas jumpers.

Grab yours in time for December you can wear it 25 days straight, that's our plan. 

Which will you choose? Happy shopping, gals.

sabrina the teenage witch christmas GIF by HULU


We're all weak with feels here at SHEmazing HQ after footage of a very festive proposal in the Irish capital started doing the rounds on Facebook last night.

Barry Clarke enlisted the help of good ol' Santa in order to propose to his partner Suzanne Kellett, who was under the assumption she and Barry were simply bringing their son Cameron to Arnotts on a festive day out.

According to Barry's post, which has been liked and shares extensively since yesterday, the Dublin department store played an absolute blinder in helping him to organise the surprise.

"Santa had a very special gift for a special lady today in Arnotts," Barry wrote on Facebook last night. "She didn't have a clue! Anyhow, she said Yes!"

"Thanks to Claire and the staff in Arnotts for arranging and keeping this a secret. Thanks to Santa for playing a stormer and thanks to Cameron for lying on the floor for the whole thing!"

And yep, we're just melting.



We know he's been around for centuries, but it seems like some people still get Santy's name wrong.

He only comes around once a year, so it's easy to see why people can confuse it, but it looks like this year, the people of Twitter are having a bit of a meltdown about it.

So, here comes the question… do you know how to spell Santa's last name?

Related image

The debate has been around for years, since Tim Allen's Santa Clause movie came out, however, deliberations are still going down on Twitter about whether the 'e' should be included.

Everyone is taking it very seriously:


Chrissy Teigan is renowned for dressing up daughter Luna in adorable ensembles, and posing for a family Christmas picture was no exception.

Baby Luna ticked a first year milestone off the list by meeting Santa for the very first time. 


A photo posted by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on

The mum-of-one shared some sweet snaps of the encounter across social media, showing 8-month-old Luna meeting Saint Nick at their local Macy’s department store Santaland.

Unfortunately, they had to fake a self portrait as dad John Legend was in Paris at the time. 

Employing the help of a mystery elf, Luna and Chrissy improvised by posing beside a cardboard cut-out of John's face.

The mum also shared photos of her baby sitting calmly on Santa's lap in a red and black plaid dress. Too cute!




Meeting Santa as a little'un is a big deal.

Meeting Santa when you've spent your entire life playing with a toy version of him is something else entirely.

So, it's no real surprise that a one-year-old Shina Inu named Kya nearly lost her mind with excitement when her owners, siblings John and Angelina, decided to bring her to meet the man himself at the local mall

"She really loves her Santa, and she has to have it year-round,” 19-year-old Angelina told BuzzFeed. "Whenever we come home, she brings it to us."

With that in mind, John and Angelina packed Kya and their other dog Lucy in the car and prepared to meet Kya's hero.

And as you might expect, it went perfectly.


So I got a picture with santa and it kinda blew up on twitter go read the article on buzz feed in Bio

A photo posted by Kya(@kyastagram) on

"She just sat there and looked at him,” Angelina said. “She usually misbehaves when we take her to Petsmart, but she was behaving for Santa."

Sharing the magic moment on Twitter, Kya managed to melt the hearts of thousands, with one writing: Why am I crying?"

"This is the best picture with Santa in the entire universe," added another one.

Ladies, you're welcome!




Kids have a love/hate relationship with Santa, and when you were a baby, visiting Santa was either a joy or a total nightmare.

But in this video by Cut Video, the children are absolutely TERRIFIED of him. 

We know watching kids cry isn't funny, but when the big guy doesn't know how to handle them, it's comedy gold.
