Residents of a town in Co Meath plan to protest at the site of a former primary school which the Church of Scientology purchased last year.

According to emerging reports, former Scientology members will be joining residents of Ballivor in order to contest proposed plans for the site.

Local Fine Gael Cllr, Noel French, previously communicated his concerns regarding the purchase, saying: "I understand that what the Scientologists want to use the building for is a substance rehabilitation centre."

Indeed, The Irish Independent reports that the controversial organisation intends to create a Narconon drug rehab centre, with refurbishment having already begun on the building.

Former members of the church have sought to communicate the apparent dangers associated with the practices carried out within such centres.

Former member, Peter Griffiths, said: "The Narconon programme consists of running, very long sauna sessions and doses of vitamins and minerals many times beyond the safe limits, with serious potential side-effects including organ damage and death."

The protest is scheduled to go ahead on Wednesday January 17.
Last year, a similar protest was held in Firhouse in Dublin after a building was purchased by the organisation for €6 million.