Meet the woman who spent almost €30K to look like Pamela Anderson
Liverpool native Carolyn Anderson is the ultimate Pammie fan.
So much so that she's spent her entire life trying to look more like the Baywatch star, and she's even got a career as a lookalike in the bag.
Known as the 'Scouse Pammie,' Carolyn estimates she's spent around €27,000 in the last several years to help herself along.
Among the various treatments and procedures are a total of EIGHT boob jobs, regular Botox, teeth straightening, laser teeth whitening, lip tattoos and contacts to make her brown eyes blue.
Not to mention the regular sunbeds, spray tans, hair extensions, facials, chemical skin peels, brow waxing, lash extensions, fake nails and more.
Plus, of course, the clothes – goat hair boots don't come cheap:
But it hasn't all been smooth sailing, as Carolyn admits her first boob job was a bit of a disaster.
"The implants actually ended up exploding when I was on a sunbed and I had to walk around for six months with just one," she explains.
Carolyn's mission to become Liverpool's answer to Pamela Anderson started with a throwaway comment from her dad when she was just ten.
"I said to her, 'You've got a look like Pamela Anderson,'" he dad Billy explains.
"So we got a magazine out and looked and she went 'Oh yeah.' So I suppose I'm the culprit for everything that's happened."
As well as promotion and modelling work, Carolyn does regular event appearances as Scouse Pammie and has appeared on TV, radio and in print. Hear more of her story here: