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We were recently told by The Skin Nerd that wearing SPF every single day is vitally important, but we had huge misconceptions about light, the sun and skincare. 

First of all, we assumed you had to be on a beach in a country over 30 degrees to even contemplate using SPF, but it turns out our own phones could be damaging our skin with blue light.

Sh*t craic, that is. Taking a selfie is damaging in even more ways now, even ones with our pets.

Avon released research indicating that the blue light emitted on our mobile phones can damage skin hugely for millennials, who check their phones constantly. (Statistics say it's 157 times a day…)

Pollution, smoking, insomnia, crowded urban places and alcohol can harm our skin, but SPF is the priority it seems.

According to Glamour UK, a quarter of 18 to 34 year olds spend seven hours or more per day on their phones, and sixteen percent of women spend almost one-third of their waking day on their phones. 

Only one-in-ten people knew that the light from a mobile phone can actually age you. Our skin plays such a huge part in our lives, it's an organ for Gawd's Sake, and we need to value it.

23 percent of the same young age group refuse to post an image of themselves online with no filter, purely because of their skin.

All blue light screens apparently "reflect UB rays and may indirectly trigger damage" to our skin, with experiments performed by scientists on a mannequin wearing a UV sensor.

Co-author of the study, Mary Logue of the University of New Mexico, said:

"These devices are generally used for communication or entertainment, so it can be easy to overlook their reflective properties unless you happen to catch the glare off a screen."

The study suggests the light may significantly affect skin and stop it from healing – and the consequences on DNA have led experts to believe it could speed up the ageing process.

Researchers at the University of New Mexico warn that people may be putting themselves at risk of getting skin cancer by going outside to use their smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Broad spectrum is that which protects from both UVA and UVB rays, and we need to be wearing it on our face, neck and décollage every single damn day.  

Invest in screen glasses to protect you against high-energy visible light (HEVL) at work.

For SPF skincare products, we highly recommend The Skin Nerd's brand new Skingredients treatment; 'Skin Shield'. 

IMAGE Skincare Prevention+ Daily Hydrating Moisturiser is also a great product,

Enjoy the sun, gals, but don't forget about your skin. Make SPF part of your daily morning routine so you won't feel guilty every time you check your phone or laptop, you won't regret it.



A slip, a drop, a fall – a drunken mistake: far too many iPhone screens in this world have been smashed and cracked.

Indeed, it's the feature – not to mention the €150-repair bill – that most irritates users of the Apple device. 

However, it seems there is some good news on the horizon for those who are prone to dropping their mobile: namely that the forthcoming latest model will be 'indestructible' – or pretty much so.

Step forward Gorilla Glass; the manufacturer of millions of glass displays for mobiles. 

It's just about to release its fifth iteration, and promises that it's as made of tough stuff.

Yes, lab tests reveal that Gorilla Glass 5 displays remained intact during 80 percent of drops that occurred at heights as high up as 1.8metres. What’s more, Gorilla Glass 5, which is being touted as four times as resilient as previous designs, holds up extremely well even when dropped onto rough surfaces.

“With each successive generation of Corning Gorilla Glass, we have taken cover glass technology to new levels,” John Bayne of Corning, its parent company, said in a press release.

“With many real world drops occurring from between waist and shoulder height, we knew improving drop performance would be an important and necessary advancement.”

Excitingly, Corning expects Gorilla Glass 5 to show up on commercial products “from leading global brands later this year” – a statement which is being widely inferred as referring to the iPhone 7.



There is surely no one who hasn't experience the horror of a cracked phone screen: you drop your beloved device on the ground, hear the gut-renching sound of shattered glass, subsequently picking the item up to confirm your very worst fears.

You have two options: grin and bear and attempt to operate it through smashed glass – or cough up the €100-odd required to fix it.

Neither, needless to say, are ideal.

However, now Japanese scientists say they've come up with an innovative, light-weight aluminium that could signal the end of broken phone screens.

The material is so strong it rivals some metals – including iron, copper and stainless steel – and it can also be used to create super slim smartphone covers. 

Dr Atsunobu Masuno, from the Institute Of Industrial Science at the University Of Tokyo who led the research, told the Asahi Shinbun newspaper: "We will establish a way to mass-produce the new material shortly.

"We are looking to commercialise the technique within five years."

Previous attempts to use alumina in glass have been unsuccessful as it tends to crystallise when it touches the sides of a container.
