Sexin’ it up: Dublin Bus will get their sexy on through new STI campaign
Your sexual health is more important than ever, as latest figures show an increase in sexually transmitted infections.
In response to the concerning rise, HIV Ireland, in collaboration with Durex is launching its Just Carry One initiative.
Be prepared to see half of our beloved Dublin Buses transformed into hubs of information reminding us to practise safe sex.
If you aren’t already, it’s time to buckle down and get serious about safe sex as 10 people in Ireland are diagnosed with HIV every week.
Furthermore, 2017 saw a 10 percent increase in STI notifications compared to 2016 in Ireland.
Chlamydia cases climbed by 7.6 percent and gonorrhoea grew by 15.6 percent.
Reports of genital herpes also rose by 14.2 percent.
The age group which have the highest rate of STIs are people aged 15 to 24 years of age.
According to research, they account for half of the chlamydia diagnoses, 39 percent of gonorrhoea cases, and 38 percent of genital herpes cases.
Additionally, Durex found 68 percent of Irish people in the 18-24 age group have never had an STI check.
Another one in 10 have experienced an STI scare.
The campaign will be running from June 22 to July 6 and will promote the use of condoms EVERY time you have sex.
You can avail of a free packet of condoms when you pop into HIV Ireland’s offices.
Condoms are the ONLY form of contraceptive to protect against STIs, including HIV.
If you fancy a chance at winning a special Durex goodie bag on HIV Ireland’s social medias, just answer the question – ‘How do you carry yours?’
Remember there is nothing sexier than safe, consensual sex.
If you’re concerned about your sexual health, talk to your GP and organise an STI check.