Old X-Factor clip shows Simon fat-shaming a contestant
The X-Factor isn't on many of our 'To Watch' lists anymore, despite the fact that it used to be one of the most influential shows on ITV.
An old clip from the show has resurfaced and is causing a LOT of drama , mainly because of Simon Cowell's fat-shaming contestants.
The video went viral after one Twitter user found a clip from the show's early days which highlights the RELENTLESSLY harsh comments given by the judges.
I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW HARSH THEY USED TO BE ON THE X FACTOR. This poor woman Imagine the uproar if they said this now pic.twitter.com/23AjisZSjz
— (@RussellHayward) January 10, 2019
In the clip, a newlywed named Samantha auditions for a place on the star search show, and faces absolute abuse from the judges at the time; Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh and Sharon Osbourne.
Sharon says; "I think you have a lovely face and a lovely voice," after Louis refers to the singer as "mission impossible."
Though Samantha is eventually voted through to the next round of The X-Factor, Sharon tells her to "go on a diet" after Simon wonders what she's "willing to do." WHAT?
I’m not excusing it (there’s even worse if you watch Simon’s world idol comments from 2003) but back then the industry honestly was like that. Adele wouldn’t have stood a chance of making it even with her amazing voice.
— HooDooMan (@Jack43693489) January 11, 2019
Another Twitter user reminded the internet of how ruthless the music industry was during those years, claiming "Adele wouldn't have stood a chance of making it even with her amazing voice."
(That's just plain nonsense, Adele could change the WORLD with one single note.)
Other social media users reacted with outrage at the clip, claiming to be "shaken" by the harsh comments, which Simon earned fame for.
We think Samantha is gorgeous inside and out, we hope she's happy and confident wherever she is.