Shauntelle Tynan is now cancer-free following treatment in the US
Shauntelle Tynan from Co. Carlow was diagnosed with multi-system Langheran cell histiocytosis, a rare cancer, in 2015.
The then 18-year-old's only hope was experimental treatment at a children's hospital in Texas, which would cost €500,000.
In a bid to raise the much-needed funds, Shauntelle made a heart-wrenching video, which subsequently went viral.
Incredibly, €750K was raised for the young woman's treatment.
Now, two years later, Shauntelle has been declared cancer free, and is technically NAD (No Active Disease).
"We are so lost for words right now but wanted you all to know that my journey of active cancer has come to a close and we hope it remains that way!" Shan wrote on Facebook.
"The future obstacles I will face will be worth everything I've been through. Now I truly have a chance at life and will keep you all updated to how I grow in the future. Next stop is ringing that bell I've watched so many kids ring when they got to cancer free, something we never thought I'd do!
"I'm sure you're all going to hear it from Ireland, I'll keep you all updated over the next few weeks with everything going on, but for now, I will finish this post here and also include a short video below of this long journey."
Shan will have to travel back to Texas every 3-6 months initially, and then yearly for the rest of her life. She will also remain on oral chemo as maintenace for the next 12-18 months, with care secured for her here in Ireland.
The young woman will arrive back in Ireland on October 18th.