So, THIS is why you do your best thinking behind the shower curtain
Ostensibly speaking, showering is a time when we tend to our personal hygiene: shampooing, conditioning, exfoliating and yoga with razor blades – you know, the classics.
But that's not all we get up to behind that curtain, is it?
If you generally use your morning shower to solve the world's problems or nail that biting one-liner in an imagined argument with your boss, you're not alone.
According to a recent study conducted by cognitive scientist, Scott Barry Kaufman, 72% of people get some of their most creative ideas when lathering up.
His findings suggest that the environment created in the shower allows the individual to tap into thoughts and ideas which they may not humour throughout the day.
"I've done some research on showering. We did a multinational study and found that people reported more creative inspiration in their showers than they did at work. That's really telling about how we think and find creativity," Kaufman told productivity experts during a recent online summit.
"The relaxing, solitary, and non-judgmental shower environment may afford creative thinking by allowing the mind to wander freely, and causing people to be more open to their inner stream of consciousness and daydreams."
But if your 'shower thoughts' rarely gain momentum after leaving the confines of the bathroom, that may be due to external factors like our reliance on the internet, for example.
"You need to create that space in your life, and that's often what happens when we go into the shower," Kaufman explained.
"It's one of those few moments when we're not tied to our devices, so we have that extra space to find connections between ideas. If we're not allowing that to happen in our lives, it's just never going to work," he added.
You heard the man – time to take our shower thoughts on tour.