The fear! 20 things you HATED if you were a nervous kid in school
School was difficult at the best of times, but if you were on the nervous side as a youngster, those six hours in the classroom could feel like a living hell.
From awkward chats at the bosca bruscair to the horror of being asked to do a sum on the blackboard IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY, school was a minefield and everyone had gotten an instruction manual except you, right?
Here are 20 (yes, just 20) things that would bring any nervy kid out in a cold sweat during what are supposed to be the best days of our lives.
1. Being left in charge of a younger class when you can barely look after yourself.
“So much responsibility on my young shoulders.”
2. Not getting a 'cool' reference
“What? Shifting? Yeah, do it all the time. Did it at breakfast.”
3. Not being able to find something for the Nature Table when you're Nature Leader that week.
"That's it. I can't take this pressure ANY MORE."
4. Being put in goals against your will.
“James, you're a reasonable man. Don't do this to me.”
5. Forgetting about the Trocaire Box until the last minute.
"Mam? Dad? Empty your pockets."
6. Cutting a circle that doesn't look like everybody else's circle.
"OH. MY. GOD."
7. When everyone one else's mam opts for clear plastic on their textbooks but your mam bumps for brown paper.
“It's like shes TRYING to give me anxiety.”
8. Being sent on a message halfway across the school.
“I'll never make it back in one piece… and oh my God is that person looking at me?”
9. Being forced to “gratefully accept” the offerings of classmates when you forgot your lunch.
“Oh for the love of… Spam.”
10. Having to move colour groups and make new friends.
“They don't know how I operate! They don't know my mode!”
11. Thinking you've left embarrassing notes in the library book you've ALREADY RETURNED.
"I returned my diary too, didn't I?"
12. When a new person joins your class and gets friendly with everyone straight away.
“Who sent you?”
13. Thinking that someone thought you might have cheated.
“I wasn't looking! Oh God, I wasn't looking!”
14. Having to do anything more than a wee in the classroom toilet.
"Just…..five …more…hours."
15. Not having your journal signed after a serious 'Take a walk to the principal's office' warning.
"It's like I ENJOY feeling like this."
16. Not hearing a particular word during Friday's spelling test.
“I know! I'll guess…. hmmm… A.N.X.I.E.T.Y”
17. When your parents helped you with your Maths homework, but THEY DIDN'T DO IT LIKE TEACHER.
"But that's not how we did it when we were at school, pet."
18. Not being able to find a partner when your teachers says 'Pair-up'
"I'm going to die alone."
19. Being asked to tell the class 'a little something' about yourself.
"Oh God, what do you want from me?"
20. Having to play with someone from another class because the teacher made you.
"Maybe let's not talk to each other."