If you’re a female bar worker, this bar sign will be relatable AF
As a woman who frequents bars and clubs on the regular, you may have encountered a few men who seem to think they are entitled to female attention once they get a few drinks into them.
It's bad enough putting up with it as a customer, so imagine the amount of unwanted sexual attention female bar staff could be getting?
One bar has seen this issue unfolding in their tavern, and have created some singage to combat the matter.
This is definitely our favourite sign in the bar. Also if dudes could stop trying to kiss our female bartender's hands that would be great. pic.twitter.com/C1Lf8KNe1Q
— Beer Cellar Exeter (@BeerCellarExe) May 25, 2017
The Beer Cellar in Exeter has put together a pretty clever way to demonstrate that the female bar staff are in fact not mad for the customers, despite what they may think after a few too many, and have come up with a handy pie chart to prove this.
A bartender at the Beer Cellar told Mashable that they put up the sign after a 'very sex-pest heavy' weekend.
'People really laugh, people support it' she said.
'One per cent think it’s a bit offensive, which is funny to me because those are the people it’s aimed at.'
'This is definitely our favourite sign in the bar,' reads the caption on the now viral Twitter post of the sign.
'Also if dudes could stop trying to kiss our female bartender's hands, that would be great.'