Lush Cosmetics demand LGBT rights for Valentine’s Day
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, Lush Cosmetics will be standing up for everyone’s right to love.
In partnership with All Out, Lush will be promoting the campaign for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ) rights.
The campaign is to coincide with the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, where new anti-gay laws have created a massive surge in anti-gay violence within the country.
Lush shop windows are saying, ‘We believe in love’, and staff are asking all of their customers to show solidarity by painting a pink triangle on their body to share their #SignofLove
The pink triangle, which was first used by the Nazis as a badge to mark and identify gay people in concentration camps, has been turned on its head and is now seen as a global sign of LGBTQ rights.
Tamsin Omond, head of Lush Campaigns, says: “Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to stand up for everyone’s right for love.”