This girl’s weight loss TIMELAPSE video is legit taking over Facebook
A 24-year-old woman, who shed an incredible 14 stone over the course of two years, has Facebook in meltdown this week after uploading a timelapse video documenting her journey.
Simone Anderson, who has gone from 16 stone to just 12, decided to share her story with social media users when she began dropping the lbs, and now more than four million social media users have seen the rewards reaped by Simone's hard work.
Explaining her decision to go public with her personal journey, Simone said: "I have always struggled with my weight and have often resorted to easy fix diets where I would lose a lot of weight but as quickly as I lost it I would gain it back and more."
"Making this a public journey will aid so much in motivating me and keeping me accountable for my actions," she added at the time.
Commenting on her incredible video, Simon explained: "Looking back and remembering how many tears and emotions came before I pressed "post" I am so proud of myself for every single step I have gone through and having the guts to make my journey a public one."
Simone, who has had skin removal surgery, has been inundated with remarks from Facebook users astounded by her transformation, with one writing: "It takes real guts willpower and determination to do what you have done."
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