The many perks of being the only single one in your friend group
So, being the only single one in your group of friends isn't exactly a barrel of laughs. Sure, you wish them all the happiness in the world, but wouldn't it be nice to have your old pal back, you know, the way it used to be.
All of a sudden the time allocated to your BFF antics gets cut in half and you often spend Saturday nights alone watching ITV gameshows on repeat.
What's worse is when a group of couples insist you tag along on their night out resulting in a selection of awkward photos that'll make you ask – “What the hell was I doing with my hands?”
However, while it can sometimes be tough watching your friends frollic off into the sunset with their SO, there are actually a whole bunch of reasons why being the single one is a blessing in disguise.
1. You can flirt with whoever you want
You know when people in relationships say they don't miss flirting? Yeah, they're lying.
Having the freedom to form a connection (however small that may be) with whoever you want, whenever you want is not only fun and exciting, it's a truly underrated perk of single life.
2. You can spend all your money on yourself
You'll often hear your friends complain that they can't come out this Saturday because it's so-and-so's birthday in a few weeks.
You'll offer a half-genuine "no worries, maybe next time", before thanking your lucky stars for your complete financial independence.
3. Binge watch any series without anyone getting mad
Netflix cheating is a real issues and data has revealed that 46 per cent of people in relationships are guilty of watching ahead of their partners.
In fact the phenomenon is so big, Netflix have released a series of videos with tips on how to deal with the ultimate act of betrayal.
But that's not your problem – next episode please.
4. You don't have to worry about why they're not texting you back
Let's be real, 90 per cent of the texts you receive are from your mam while the remaining come from the various takeaways around your local area.
And you know what? You wouldn't change it for the world.
5. Your decisions are yours, and yours alone
Move to London? Travel South America for a year? Go right ahead.
Not that having a SO should ever stop you from following your dreams, but being unattached makes those decisions a whole lot easier.
6. All the wingwomen you could ever hope for
There is no greater friend than one who will do whatever she can to find you a date.
She’ll put herself in some of the most embarrassing situations without even batting an eyelid, because hey, what does she have to lose?