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Most of us suffer with breakouts from time to time, but we all get them in different places. Different areas mean different things, so what are your breakouts trying to tell you?

Forehead: Stress is the main cause of forehead breakouts. However, a lack of sleep can also be a trigger. Try to relax and get plenty of rest.

Cheeks: Spots can form on your cheeks due to bad habits you don't even realise you're doing. Try to stop touching your face and putting your phone against it as often as you normally would. Smoking can also cause this.

Chin: Chin breakouts are caused by hormones.This can be a common occurrence in the lead up to, and during your period.

Around your mouth: Your diet. Residue from greasy foods can irritate the skin, and eating these foods can also clog your pores. Try wiping your mouth after you've eaten and cutting down on fried foods.

Chest/back: Fabrics play a huge role in breakouts on your chest and back. Cotton soaks up sweat and keeps it close to your skin. This attracts bacteria which can cause spots.Try different fabrics and change your clothes straight after working out.



A new survey has found that four out of five women do not shower every day while up to 63% of the 2,021 women questioned admitted that they do not remove their make-up before bed.

The research was conducted by skincare company, Flint + Flint in order to find out how women in the UK are looking after and treating their skin.

The survey also found that a rather shocking one in three women leave it up to three days without showering and over half of women revealed they use face wipes to remove their make-up.

The findings are in contrast to what the survey also found women know about their skin; almost all of the women asked, 92%, were aware of how important looking after their skin is.

Founder of the skincare line, Maxine Flint, spoke about the perplexing findings, saying: “ I understand the appeal of sleeping in, but skipping a morning wash is both anti-social for the people around us and unhealthy. We are talking about routines that literally take minutes out of your day. It’s true that today’s pace of life is fast, but surely as a nation we haven’t become too busy to wash.”

Do you have a strict routine when it comes to looking after your skin? 


Ok – we’re coming clean. We have, on occasion, stepped out without sun cream. But never again!

Watch as these people look into the camera while an ultra-violet light shines on their faces, showing the not-yet-visible effects the sun is having on their skin.

Now, where did we leave that factor 50?


The sun has been shining a lot recently in Ireland and we are all loving it. As much as we all love to get a tan, we need to remember to apply sun cream regularly because the sun can be very damaging to our skin and health.

To help you save on Sun care this summer, Boots are offering half price Soltan 5* UVA sun protection products from 19th March – 2nd September*, helping you to enjoy the sun safely for less.

We caught up with Boots Sun care Expert, Clare O’Connor to get the full low down on how to protect our skin and still look gorgeous.


When it comes to your skin, what you put in your body definitely shows on the outside.

Here are 10 foods that you need to have in your diet for gorgeous, flawless skin:

Not a favourite for many people, but this vegetable is great if you have acne prone skin. Its zinc content helps to get rid of breakouts.

Sweet potatoes
Loaded with vitamin C they help to produce collagen which smoothes out wrinkles and also reduces the appearance of fine lines.

These are great for protecting your skin from the sun. They minimize the effects of UVA and UVB damage, although we highly recommend you eat these AND wear suncream.

These tasty orange veggies are great for clearing up skin breakouts. They are also good for your sight too.

Another one for plumping out the skin and reducing wrinkles. It is also good for helping to maintain DNA which reduces the likeliness of cancer.

Red peppers
These tasty veggies are full of vitamin C which is great for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles.

They contain lycopene which, like the mushrooms, helps to protect the skin from free radicals by the sun which can cause premature ageing.

Dark chocolate
Any excuse for some chocolate to be honest. Dark chocolate works as an antioxidant that reduces rough and imperfect skin.

The secret in tuna is selenium which helps to preserve elastin to keep your skin smooth and tight.

These are packed full of antioxidants to help improve blood flow to form new cells and collagen.



It’s safe to say that any woman in the world would love to have Miranda Kerr’s clear and glowing complexion.

The Victoria’s Secret model knows exactly what to do to achieve this – and she’s shared it with us. Yay!

According to Miranda, the secret behind her figure and skin is a simple SALAD! “Every day I eat a big salad with finely chopped spinach and kale, fennel, and macadamia nut oil … fresh lemon squeezed on that with apple cider vinegar. Add feta cheese, olives, cucumber.”

Sounds delicious!

Miranda was speaking at an event for her company KORA Organics where she also praised the company’s rosehip oil with doing wonders for her skin: “I put it on every night. I really believe it makes a big difference to my skin. It’s full of antioxidants and essential fatty acids.”




Coconut oil doesn’t just smell delicious – it also makes a pretty great beauty product for ladies everywhere.

Hair conditioning
Coconut oil will leave your hair lovely and soft making it perfect for dry, damaged hair. Simply rub a little on your hands and run it through your tresses, avoiding the root area. Wash it off in the shower and you will notice a huge difference.

Make-up remover
Coconut oil is great for taking off your eye make-up and contains antibacterial products that helps to keep your face lovely and clean.

Rub a little coconut oil on your face before bed to help lock in moisture. However, this is not a good idea if you have oily and spot prone skin as it can be a little greasy.

Lip balm
If you have dry, chapped lips, rubbing a little coconut oil on them works wonders. It also taste good too.

You can pick up some coconut oil in your local health food store.


They say that our diet is reflected in our skin and it’s no lie.

If you go on a junk food binge the chances are you will soon see the effects on your face.

If your skin is dull, dry or spotty, try eating more of these foods to clear it up in no time.

1. Water

2. Oily fish

3. Brown rice

4. Kale

5. Avocado

6. Dark berries

7. Green tea

8. Peppermint

9. Garlic

10. Nuts

OK, we know that water and green tea technically are not food but their impact on clearing up skin cannot be underestimated.


It’s no lie that the secret to a lean body is in the kitchen.

These foods are exceptionally good for those who are trying to lose weight and burn fat.

They will also promote clear skin, glossy hair and strong nails.

1. Super greens
Kale, broccoli and cabbage among many others, eat them all for healthy skin and hair.

2. Lemons and grapefruits
Lemons are renowned for their detoxing effects while grapefruits are known to burn fat.

3. Spices
Cinnamon, cayenne and chilli are all great to add to your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Not only do they aid the process but they make great substitutes for sugar and salt to flavour a dish.

4. Green tea
For centuries, the amazing health benefits of green tea have been celebrated. Adding one cup to your day will boost your weight-loss and have amazing antioxidant effects.

5. Oats
A bowl of porridge for breakfast will fill you right up till lunchtime. Oats are also a fantastic source of fibre.



Unless you are one of the lucky ones, you probably dream of waking up with flawless, clear skin.

The following tips will help steer you in the right direction:

Don’t excessively clean

Cleansing your skin too much will cause you to unintentionally strip it of its natural oils, causing it to dry out.

Don’t exfoliate too often

Exfoliation is great for removing dead skin cells but if you over-do it you can strip away the new layer.

Wash your hands before cleaning your face

Your hands carry a multitude of bacteria so make sure you wash them before putting them on your face, otherwise you end up transferring them onto your face.

Stick with a cleanser

Face wipes are handy when you are out and about but make sure you use a proper cleanser in the morning and at night.

Always use a moisturiser

Everyone should moisturise after cleansing, even if you have oily skin. If you don’t moisturise, your skin will produce excessive oils to hydrate it which results in an oily face.



Leaving your make-up on for too long doesn’t end well, especially if you fall into the habit of keeping it on while you sleep.

Of course we’re all guilty of sleeping with make-up on every now and again. But, it’s important that it doesn’t become a routine and here’s why.

The pores that cover our skin are a passage way for sweat and sebum to make its way to the top of your skin.

Sebum, which is a waxy liquid that helps keep the skin moisturised also helps get rid of dead skin cells and other dirt that shouldn’t be on your skin.

Wearing make-up for too long will clog your pores and stop the sebum from doing its job. Instead, the sebum will build up in your skin and cause acne – every girl’s nightmare.

So if you don’t fancy waking up to unwanted pimples, it’s always a good idea to wash your face before bedtime.

Don’t forget the eyes, ladies, (unless of course you want to wake up with an eye infection).


Coconut oil is an all-round product. It can do lots of things and can actually replace many products that you use in one quick purchase. Try it out and see what you think!

1. Moisturiser
Use coconut oil as a post-shower moisturiser or use it to soften feet, hands, elbows, knees, everywhere!

2. As a hair mask
If your hair is dry and brittle and your purse virtually empty, use coconut oil as a hair mask. Put it in at night, wrap your hair in a scarf to protect your pillows and wash it out in the morning. You may need to shampoo twice to get it out properly, but your hair will be super soft and shiny afterwards.

3. Hair removal
Replace your regular shaving foam with coconut oil for silky skin and a smooth finish.
