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sleep issues

Winter can wreak havoc on our bodies in more ways than one. Our lips chap, our skin dries out and with daylight savings still a thing, our sleep schedule goes completely out the window. The mornings are dark, and the sun only deigns to raise its head until 4 in the evening, if it bothers to come out at all.

Our internal body clocks end up all over the place during the winter season. It’s easy to feel sluggish, unrested and yet, unable to sleep at night, despite feeling tired.

We need 7-9 hours of sleep a night in order to complete 4-5 90-minute sleep cycles. Keeping these cycles uninterrupted is the key to experiencing that ‘good night’s sleep’ feeling. Here, we outline some of the reasons why your routine isn’t conducive to a good night’s sleep and a few simple ways we can help you to fix that.

Your routine is all over the place.

The first step in getting a night’s sleep is regulating your body. If your bedtime is a little all over the place right now, you’re not alone. It is essential that your body and brain begin to expect a shut-down and wake-up call at the same time every day. Yes, even the weekends. We’re all guilty of enjoying our sleep ins and late nights on our days off but be sure to only indulge in those occasionally. They disrupt the training that your brain is undergoing to move into a state suitable for sleep and rising.

You aren’t getting enough daylight or fresh air.

If you're working from home, for example, it can have a lot of benefits. One downfall, however? We’re less likely to go out for lunch, getting that daily dose of blue sky that is essential to regulating our body clocks. Being inside all day in artificial lighting disorients our body’s natural rhythm that expects sun-up and sun-down and alertness in the bright time in-between. Try getting out, even just for a twenty-minute walk during your lunch hour and see what difference it makes to you mind. It will keep you alert in the afternoon too!

You’re on a screen late at night.

This is one of the worst culprits, as studies are increasingly showing. Similarly, to how not getting enough daylight during the day can deregulate you, getting too much blue light at the wrong time – light literally designed to wake you up – can ruin your chances of drifting off naturally. Even if it’s something that feels relaxing – watching TV, scrolling Pinterest or Instagram it isn’t relaxing for your brain. It becomes stimulated and makes it that bit harder to switch off at your designated sleep time. Experts recommend reading a book or doing a meditation for at least an hour before bed. But if that’s totally impossible, some tech has an orange light or night mode installed for these reasons. They’re still not ideal, but if you want to pick up your kindle to read before bed, turning on the blue-light filter might be a good idea.

You’re eating a large or carb/sugar heavy meal too close to bedtime.

Sugar, caffeine, carbs. These things can be great during the day in moderation, when we need energy and boost to keep us up and going. However, when consumed too close to bedtime, our body suddenly has all of this food converted into energy with nowhere to go. Restless legs, a mind running in circles, our body looks for some way to blow off this steam and can give us a broken or total lack of sleep as a result. Try some calming, caffeine-free herbal teas before bed to assuage any cravings and keep you hydrated and relaxed. Chamomile, lemongrass and lavender are great herbal teas to promote sleep.

Your mind is buzzing

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s a big presentation you have tomorrow, or a door you’re unsure if you locked, or even just, ‘God, that sounded stupid when I said it earlier’, we’ve all been kept up with a brain that won’t shut up. There are lot so reasons for this, big and small but I’ve found some little tips and tricks that work. One idea is to contextualise it. Will anyone other than me remember what I said today in a week’s time? Probably not. Another is to keep a notebook by the bed. Instead of reaching for your phone to distract you from niggling thoughts, write down what’s bothering you. Make a list of what needs to be done tomorrow before the presentation so you can let those thoughts go and relax. And my favourite; a guided sleep meditation on YouTube. Fall asleep to the sound of relaxing sleep music or a soothing soft voice specifically designed to make you feel drowsy and relaxed. My favourite is Jason Stephenson on YouTube, but there’s plenty out there to discover what’s right for you!

You aren’t getting enough magnesium in your diet.

Magnesium is a key ingredient for a solid sleep. Deficiency in it is shown to increase fatigue and low energy levels. There are plenty of easy ways to incorporate more magnesium into your diet. Magnesium-rich foods are bananas, avocados, beans, spinach, almonds, dark chocolate, non-fat yoghurt, quinoa, oatmeal, cashews, salmon and broccoli!


Battling for covers and space, getting a kick or elbow to the side or waking up to something poking you in the back isn’t what we dreamed of sharing a bed with bae.

Although it does have its special moments when you’re cuddled up and you can hear the rain pelting the window, or he hands you a coffee as you wake up – nothing beats sleeping in your own bed.

Which begs the question; how does your sleep impact your relationship with your other half?

We are know how irritable we get when we don’t get enough of it and according to science, the lack of Zzz’s aren’t good for your love life either.

Cue the mad arguments, hypersensitivity and short-tempers.

In fact, sleep neurologist, sleep expert and author Christopher Winter explained how your brain changes when you don’t get enough shut-eye.

"Your brain’s ability to do things gets whittled down to: find food, urinate, get through the day,” he says.

So basically, you revert back to being a caveman – your brain switching into survival mode, which means you can forget sexy time, cuddling and anything else that requires more effort than a trip to the loo.

This means when it comes to bae and messing up – you won’t be quick to forgive and you can say things you mightn’t mean in the heat of your fatigue.

And sleep patterns are one thing psychotherapist, Heather Holly looks for when couples come to her.

“One of the first things I assess for as part of couples counselling are lifestyle factors. This includes the amount of sleep each person experiences on a nightly basis.”

“In many cases, we find a lack of sleep to be a contributing factor to relationship problems. More often than not, couples are oblivious to this issue” she added.

We all know that our sleep (and now relationships) often contend with our phone addictions and demanding lifestyles, which means we don’t usually get our eight hours of sleep.

But there are signs you need to watch out for, which indicate you’re suffering from sleep deprivation.

If you’re arguing more with your loved one, feeling resentful, or your enthusiasm and rapport are declining – it’s time to evaluate your sleep routine.

You could be damaging your relationship beyond repair – with the fun, wonderful aspects of your duo turning into what feels like a chore.

If you aren’t getting roughly eight hours of sleep – your body and mind won’t be functioning the way they're supposed to and you could find yourself single.

Your room is really important for a good night’s sleep, so make sure your mattress, the lighting and temperature are right – and throw your phone out of the room altogether – if you need an alarm, buy a clock.

If you can’t pinpoint the cause of your lack of shut-eye, talk to your doctor as there can be medical conditions which will disturb your sleep.

No one wants to be a grumpy b*tch or a caveman, so make sure you get a good night sleep, your body and bae will thank you for it.
