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It seems that often the things we love the most are the things we are warned to indulge in sparingly.

Coffee and chocolate lovers however can now rest a little easier with the knowledge that their favourite habits are probably not as bad for you as others would have you believe.

The people at AsaspSCIENCE are back with a video that is debunking some interesting foodie myths. As it turns out, your chocolate habit would need to turn into an extreme snacking situation before you ran the risk of accidental death.

But did you know that cherries are a completely different story?

Just one wrong bite can deliver a lethal dose of cyanide, which is to be found in the pit of the cherry. Something to be aware of next time you get a craving.

The video also reminded us something we probably all already knew at this point, but appreciate being confirmed: sleep is really really important. Currently a man holds the record for being able to go without sleep for just over 11 days. While no very serious long-term effects were documented, it is definitely not recommended.

So, we are free to drink our coffee and eat our chocolate in peace. However, being tall and eating cherries are suddenly not looking so appealing. 


Getting a good night's sleep is probably one of the most glorious feelings. If you've ever had trouble sleeping then you will know how frustrating it can be lying awake at night, feeling tired but being painfully conscious. 

No one wants that. Also, getting enough sleep at night is important for your health. An American organisation put together this handy chart that tells you roughly how much sleep you should be getting each night.

If this sleep schedule seems unfamiliar then read on because we have some of the easiest tricks you can use to get yourself make on track. 

Stop napping.

This actually goes against almost everything we believe, but, it's a surefire way to restless sleep that makes you want to nap needs to be stopped. Break the cycle and literally let yourself get tired out by ditching the naps. 

Eat earlier in the evening.

Going to sleep on a full stomach can make you uncomfortable and restless, so try having dinner earlier in the evening for optimum sleeping conditions.

Get the temperature right.

No seriously, those people who have to have the duvet covering one half of their body exactly are on to something. You're body won't settle down if you're too cold or too hot, so figure out what temperture you need and try to stick with it. 

Put the wine down.

A nightcap might seem like a fabulous idea, but it actually leads to less REM sleep, and that's the good kind that you need. Sorry to break it to you.

Turn off all the gadgets. 

The experts recommend that you turn off anything like your phone, tablet, laptop or TV at least 30 minutes before you head to bed. The blue light they emit tricks your brain into thinking it is in fact day time, so no sleep for you. 

Put the dog out.

Sorry Spot but you need to get out of the bedroom. A study found that 63 per cent of pet owners who allowed their pet sleep in their room expected poor quality sleep. So it may be time to part ways if you need some quality sleep.



Have you been feeling sluggish lately? It comes to midday and you're already feeling tired? It can be tough for many people to drift off to sleep but here are a few handy tips on how to get a good night's sleep and in turn feel better all around.


Keep a sleep schedule 

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every morning – even if it's at the weekend (we know, we know). If you keep to the same times every day it will trick your body into relaxing into a better night's sleep.

There is a kink in the rule though: if you simply can't get to sleep within 15 minutes, get up and do something relaxing. There's no point agonising over it as that might just keep you awake longer. 


Have a bedtime ritual:

Do the same things at the end of every night to tell your body it's time to wind down. This could include having a shower or bath, reading a book or listening to soothing music. 


Keep an eye on what you eat and drink:

Don't go to bed hungry or full. The discomfort of it will probably keep you awake and thinking about it. Be careful with how much you drink as well as it will keep you from midnight trips to the loo. 


Get comfy:

A comfortable sleeping arrangement is key when trying to get a good nights sleep. If the room is too bright or too noisy, it will hinder you nodding off. Try black out blinds or ear plugs to get to optimum comfort.



Include physical activity in your day time routine as it can help you fall asleep faster as it will tire you out. It doesn't have to be anything too heavy, even a half an hour jog in the park will do.



People love telling us how good exercising in the morning is for your health. They go on and on about how amazing they feel after pulling out all the stops and perfecting downward dog at the crack of dawn.

Speaking to Self magazine Jennifer Sherman, fitness instructor extraordinaire of NYC says: “Exercising early in the morning jump-starts your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours and energizes you for the day.” 

Noted. But it’s still a struggle.  So, we rounded up the best ways to ensure you’re up and moving before your alarm even starts.

Plan your outfit

There’s so many options when it comes to gym gear these days. Planning your outfit the night before makes it less tempting to stay in bed and risk not letting the world see your brand new sporty style according to Jennifer


No, we don’t mean actually having a lie in until mid-day. Instead try and head to bed earlier the night before so you’re well rested. Jennifer also says “move your alarm clock out of arm’s reach. This way you will actually have to get out of your warm bed to turn it off.”

Be gentle

Liz Arredondo of Be Shri Yoga reminds us that we can sleep in some very odd positions that make our muscles tight as well as sleepy. She says it’s important to try “deep breathing paired with gentle stretches before you start moving more actively.”

Make breakfast


A photo posted by LEAH ITSINES (@leahitsines) on

Make your breakfast the night before. Something like overnight oats are easy and filling so you have one less thing to worry about when you wake up.

Find a workout buddy

Author of The 30 Second Body Adam Rosante says “when you know someone is counting on you, you’ll be far less likely to bail.”

Use it as a shopping tool

Adam also suggests using your workouts as a saving tool. “For each planned day, you’ll put a pre-determined amount of money into a ‘pot.’ Watching that pool grow as your body tones is pretty addictive.” Feeling great, looking great and enough cash for a new wardrobe? Sounds like a plan Adam!


A video has emerged to show us how to survive a day in work after little or no sleep and we really needed this.

Whether it's because you were on a night out, or because you just had too much work to do, everyone experiences a sleep-less night from time to time but there is an answer to getting through the next day in work. 

New York magazine has shared some tips that were scientifically proven to help you make it through the day until you get back to your lovely bed. 

As you would expect, coffee is top of the list of getting through the day. This video explains how much and how often you should drink it to keep you going all day. 

This video also explains that if you do manage to catch a few Zzz's, when waking up, DO NOT hit the snooze button! This leaves you feeling groggy for the day so it's best to steer clear. 

Another tip is to make sure you eat breakfast, preferably within 1 hour of waking up which will boost your energy and help improve  your mood. Stick to whole grains and protein and skip the sugar as this will just cause you to crash even worse.

We tend to be drawn to sugary, high-carb food when we're tired but scientists suggest the best thing for you in this case is a light lunch with lots of veggies, protein and whole grains. 

Also recommended to keep you alert, ditch the sunglasses and be sure to get some natural sun light in your eyes on the way to work. 




You know that sound that you hate more than any other sound in the entire world? The one that's basically the same as someone scrapping their nails on a chalkboard or someone scratching their fork across their plate?

That sound that you've grown to hate so much that just hearing it, even for only five seconds, immediately ruins your day? Yep, we feel extremely strongly about how much we hate the sound of our alarm.

Most peoples instant reaction is to… Shut. It. Up. Usually by just hitting the snooze to grab a few more Zzzzs in your bed which just got RIDICULOUSLY comfortable, before you have to face the real world, and worse, bare feet on the cold floor. 

But it turns out hitting the snooze is NOT a good idea. According to Robert S Rosenberg at a Sleep Disorders Center in Arizona: "When you hit the snooze button repeatedly, you’re doing two negative things to yourself. 

"First, you’re fragmenting what little extra sleep you’re getting so it is of poor quality. Second, you’re starting to put yourself through a new sleep cycle that you aren’t giving yourself enough time to finish."

But breaking up your good sleep into miniature naps should be OK yeah? Not so much, it seems. He continued by saying: "This can result in persistent grogginess throughout the day."

This means byt hitting the snooze, your setting yourself up for an unproductive, unpleasant day.

Sleepiness during the day can be a serious hazard while driving and leads to more errors in the workplace so this could hugely impact what you do during the day. 

He explained that the reason we're hitting the snooze to often is because we're not getting enough sleep. Adults are recommended to get eight hours sleep a night, but most only get around six. 

Going to bed earlier is difficult, but the first step is putting down the smartphone. According to Elite Daily, "the blue light emanating from these devices disrupts our circadian pacemakers and contributes to insomnia."

If you find yourself constantly hitting snooze, that's just a warning that you need to go to bed earlier put down the iPhone, close the laptop, Instagram can wait until morning, get into bed, read a book and start winding down.


Even though we all love sleeping after a long day, many of us find it difficult to drift off. We all know how important a good night’s sleep is, but if you feel like you aren’t getting the sleep you need to keep you well rested and full of energy it could be time to take a look at the food and drink you are having before you go to bed.

1. High-fat foods
Of course we all love the occasional midnight feast, but eating high-fat foods late at night could be keeping you awake because it takes so long for the body to digest them. Avoid eating things such as fried food and ice cream before you plan on going to bed, you will get a better night’s sleep.

2. Alcohol
Even though the Saturday night out, where one drink quickly turned into four can make you feel drowsy and ready to collapse into bed the second you take your high heels off, it is important to remember that alcohol is not good for a peaceful night’s sleep. It disturbs it and you will not wake up feeling fresh and revitalised.

3. Sugary foods
The high sugar levels in foods such as chocolate bars can cause nightmares for many people due to the sugar affecting the brain. We don’t think it’s worth the monster lurking under the bed later on.

4. Dark chocolate
Despite the fact that dark chocolate is probably the healthiest chocolate option on a daily basis, it contains caffeine and theobromine which will keep your energy levels up. Avoid dark chocolate at night and have milk or white chocolate as an alternative.

5. Coffee
It sounds obvious, we know. However, we still drink tea and coffee before bed even though we shouldn’t. The caffeine keeps us on a buzz so if you’re a caffeine addict and need an early night, try drinking your last cup a few hours earlier.


Following these tips is easier said than done but it will definitely be worth it when you wake up feeling totally refreshed.


We all love to believe that we are doing the best for our bodies, but sometimes we can drink all the green juice in the world and if we aren’t looking after the basics, it won’t matter.

Here are five things we should be doing for our health, but may not be doing them enough – or not at all!

Getting enough sleep
Sleep is vital for your mental and physical wellbeing. Trying to work and play on three hours sleep just won’t cut it and you’ll be left drained and exhausted in no time. Aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night to be in peak condition.

Now, many of you may be reading this and thinking "no way, not for me" but taking time out to sit quietly and reflect can work wonders for a busy mind.  It doesn’t mean you have to sit cross-legged in the traditional pose we all think of when anyone mentions meditation – do it your way. Apps like Headspace can be great to help you start out.

Make sure you are never without water and keep hydrated throughout the day. Drinking enough water is essential for focus and general health.

Ensure you get a minimum of thirty minutes of exercise a day. Though it may not feel it at the time, exercise does make you happy and is essential not only for physical wellbeing but for your mental health too. So brush off those cobwebs and get outside!

Plant-based love
Fruit and veggies are the best you can eat for your health – so make sure you are getting enough! Aim to eat fruit or vegetables with every meal you have and you’ll soon feel the effects.


Is there anything more frustrating than lying in bed for hours and hours waiting for sleep to come…and it just doesn't?

By the time you realise you’re tired, it’s almost time to get up and the stress of that means you will be up all night.

Here are some tips that might help you when you find you just can’t drop off.

We’ll have you in the land of nod in no time!

Exercise early
Studies show that it is best to work out at least three hours before you hit the leaba as it gives your body sufficient time settle down.

Keep it light
Gulping down a huge meal and a pint of coke isn’t going to help – at all. Keep those nighttime snacks light and limit any drinks to caffeine free to ensure you get a good night’s sleep.

Put it away
We know you peek at that phone before lights out – don’t lie! Well, here is a very good reason not to, especially if you have trouble sleeping anyway: the light coming from our phone/iPad/laptop screens stimulated daytime hormones, meaning your body winds itself back up.

Get sexy
Yes, you read that right – another amazing reason to get busy in the bedroom! As we all know, men love to drop off having sex – but the same goes for women too! So, if you have trouble sleeping, you know what to do…

Use your imagination to help you drop off. Try to visualise yourself having the best sleep of your life and you may soon find yourself dropping off. 



Some people have the ability to hop out of bed in the morning and take on the world with an energy other people can't muster. You try to wake up earlier, make the most of your day but it's just so comfy in there. Here are the signs you probably most definitely are not a morning person: 

1. You keep dozing off
You actually try to stay awake, but your mind starts to wander and sooner or later you start to doze off. It’s a never ending cycle of dozing off and waking back up. It can be embarrassing though if someone else has to wake you back up.


2. You set numerous alarms, all within 5 mins of each other
You used to just use the snooze button, but you have decided to set numerous alarms in an effort to try and get as much sleep as you can. It gives you numerous chances to actually get up, but you know you will end up just waiting until the last one goes off.

3. When you eventually wake up, you fall straight back to sleep
You say to yourself “I’ll just close my eyes for a bit”, next thing you know it’s been half and hour and you wake up completely disorientated. You swear that next time you won’t go back to sleep, but it’s become a weekly routine.

4. You have to rush to get ready and end up missing your bus
You have 5 mins to get dressed , have breakfast and do your hair. Challenge accepted. Of course you get nowhere near being ready and you end up looking like a mess. Worst of all, you see your bus pulling away just as you get to the bus stop.

5. If you wake up earlier than expected, you just lay awake, waiting
If you’re unceremoniously woken up by outside noises or the rest of the people in your house getting up, it’s hard to get back to sleep. You just lay there waiting till it’s time to get up because your whole routine is broken.

6. It usually takes another family member to finally get you up
You keep going back to sleep, so it takes one of your family member’s to actually get you out of bed. You do everything to stop them from getting out of bed, but the threat of getting water poured on you finally gets you up.

7. You don’t have breakfast, you just have coffee
You might have some fruit or a cereal bar, but the main part of your breakfast is actually coffee. You don’t know how you could survive without coffee, and you’re always seen with a cup in your hands.

8. Having lunch is the highlight of your day
If you somehow manage to survive until lunch time, you are overjoyed with the thought of lunch. It is the only thing that keeps you going throughout the day and once you finally get lunch you feel ten times better.

9. You completely regret staying up till 5am binging on Netflix
You just couldn’t stop once you got going and now you are really making up for it.You wake up seeing visions of Kevin Spacey with one of his speeches from House Of Cards still ringing in your ear. This is a regular occurrence and next time you probably won’t end up going to sleep at all.

10. You try to avoid having conversations at all costs
You hope you don’t bump into someone you know, but if you do, you don’t say much, you just nod and pretend you’re listening. If you do end up saying anything, it just sounds like gibberish and it makes no sense.

11. Your brain doesn’t function properly that early in the morning
Nothing seems to work, your brain doesn’t process things well and if someone asks you to work out something your brain just completely shuts down.

12. You despise morning people
You can’t fathom how they have so much energy and zest this early in the day. You wish you could be that chirpy in the morning and, anytime they greet when you come in, you find it hard to crack a smile.

via our content partner CT



We all know how important sleep is for keeping us looking our very best. Unfortunately, with the busy lives we all lead, there just never seems to be enough hours in the day to get it. Thankfully, you can always fake it…

Try these tricks and no one will ever know you had a late one last night!

Eye cream
Eye cream is your best friend! Dab a little over the dark circles for instant de-puffiness.

Open your eyes by applying a light coat of mascara. Don’t apply too much, otherwise it just gets clumpy and your eyes will look too heavy.

White eyeliner
White eyeliner can be a little scary but sometimes it is definitely needed! Apply a little on your lower eye rim from left to right.

Lack of sleep can leave you looking withdrawn so pop a little blusher to make you look a little brighter.

Make sure your eyebrows are plucked and defined so fill those brows in.


OK, so we know all the obvious things that get in the way of a good nights’ sleep.

No caffeine, lavender under our pillow, no laptop or iPhone before bed – great advice, but there’s some other pesky reason we’re still missing out on those Zzzzzzs.

Here are some surprising things that are ruining your sleep:

Decaf coffee
Shocker! Decaf doesn’t always mean caffeine-free. Some products contain up to 10 milligrams of caffeine – enough to keep you awake – so check the label before you sip!

Total silence
Women are hard-wired to be way more sensitive to noises at night, as we’re instinctively on alert for crying babies! So the slightest creak or squeak in utter silence can awaken you from slumber. Some gentle music or a sleep sounds app can help here.

Nightly work outs
High-impact exercise less than three hours before bed could leave you with an energy rush. If you tend to work out late at night, take a bath before bed to lower your body temperature. Add some lavender oil for an even better nights’ sleep.

A too-early bedtime
If eight hours is good, 12 is not better. Even if you’re super tired, messing with your normal sleeping schedule will leave you staring wide-eyed at the ceiling into the small hours. Resist the sleepiness as much as you can and avoid naps.

Scented face washes
Right before bed is the one time you want to calm down all five senses. Scents like peppermint and lemon are more likely to make you feel more awake so stay away from shower gels and face washes with hues of both.

The nightcap
While a nightcap might seem like a good idea if you’re wide awake, alcohol is one of the worst things for good-quality sleep. Try cherry juice instead—it contains melatonin, a sleep hormone.
