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Tossing and turning every night? Us too.

The struggle to fall asleep has been haunting us lately and there isn’t enough coffee in the world to mend our sleepy heads in the morning.

All we want is a good night’s sleep. Is that too much to ask for?

If, like us, you have trouble falling asleep at night then fear not, because scientists have discovered quite the simple solution.

And it won’t cost you a penny!

One of the main things that keeps us up at night is our worried minds. We are constantly fretting about everything and anything, whether it’s an argument with our other half or fears of not being able to pay this month’s phone bill.

There’s always something on our mind that stops us from snoozing peacefully.

But there’s something you can do to ease this problem – write your thoughts down.

Healthy Ireland recommends penning your fears and worries on a piece of paper before your head hits the pillow.

It is simple but effective. Many people even use writing as a form of therapy.

Women struggle to sleep more than men (no surprise there) so why not keep a notebook or even a scrap of paper and a pen by your bed?

Then if your mind is abuzz with anxious thoughts, all you need to do is scribble them down and try to get them out of your system.

Have you tried this method before? Did it work for you?

We cannot wait to give it a go and look forward to catching some well-needed z’s.


There are few things in life more satisfying than crawling into bed on Friday night knowing you'll get a well-deserved lie-on in the morning. 

And aside from being our saving grace at the end of a busy week, it now seems that those Saturday AM snooze-a-thons could actually be prolonging our lives. 

According to a study by Swedish and US researchers, people under 65-years-old are at greater risk of death if they get less than five hours sleep on the weekends. 

Published in the Journal of Sleep Research, the study was based on data collected from 30,000 participants over a 13 year period. 

Results showed that people who get less that five hours sleep throughout the week, but enjoyed some extra shut-eye on the weekends, had no heightened mortality risk.

However, that risk is increased if a person is getting consistently sleeping less than five hours, or more than nine hours per night. 

Researchers took various factors into account, such as gender, education, body mass index, severe disease, use of hypnotics (like sleeping pills,) as well as things like smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, coffee intake and employment status.

As if we need another excuse to keep pressing that snooze button! 


We’ve been dreaming about jumping into our warm, cozy bed all morning. There’s nothing better than curling up in your toasty duvet after a long day at work.

We pop the heating on, make a cuppa and scroll through Netflix before dozing off, but it turns out we’ve been making quite a rookie mistake before hitting the hay in the winter.

According to experts, sleeping with the heating on is actually really bad for you as it disrupts your sleep.

So, if you’ve been struggling to get a good night’s sleep this month then your central heating may be to blame.

How does the heating impact our sleep? Well, our bodies can’t deal with the fluctuations in temperature all too well, especially in the night time.

The Sun reported, “Often we are told the bedroom should be 16C to 18C but for some people that is too cold, so it is better to focus instead on simply making the bedroom feel cooler than the rest of the house.”

"The more important temperature for sleep is the one between the mattress and the duvet, which should be between 27C and 29C.”

Experts believe the best thing to do is to let your bedroom cool down before going to bed.

We’ll certainly be trying this before we doze off this evening!


We love to sleep. We must admit that jumping into our bed with fresh sheets and new pyjamas on is our idea of heaven. We could snooze all day long, but we’re not living in a dream world. We drag ourselves out of bed in the early hours of the morning and make our way to work in a sleepy haze.

Sadly, researchers have found that some sleeping habits are terrible for our skin.

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Everyone sleeps differently, you may spread your limbs out in every direction, curl up into a ball like a mouse or snooze on your side.

Many of us will sleep on our stomachs with our faces placed on our soft, fluffy pillow. It may feel like heaven, but this sleeping position is not good for your skin.

The U.K Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service has discovered that the majority of people sleep on their fronts, but this sleeping position causes acne.

Experts revealed that sleeping on your front causes Acne Mechanica, which is caused by rubbing and excessive pressure on the skin. They explained that sleeping on your front puts too much weight on your skin due to the position of your body.

Not only does this sleep position cause spots, but it also causes wrinkles and puffy skin.

The best way to sleep is on your back, according to researchers. They claim that sleeping on your back promotes healthier skin.

This sleep position also reduces wrinkles, as well as healing neck and back pain.


There’s one debate that has been dividing women for quite some time.

Bra on or bra off when it come to sleep?

Some of us spend our evening commute dreaming of the moment we finally get to take the damn thing off while others can wear them for 24 hours straight and barely notice they're there. (Sorry, but how?)

Well, according to Mia Talmor, a plastic surgeon at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, neither option is necessarily better than the other.

However, she did confirm that, contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that wearing a bra to bed will prevent your boobs from sagging.

She told SELF: "Bras are designed to help with vertical positioning. But when you’re lying in bed, you need more horizontal support."

However, if you still insist on wearing a bra while sleeping, it is important to get the fit just right.

Plastic surgeon, Matthew Schulman also spoke to SELF, and recommended women wear ‘’a supporting bra made of breathable fabric that does not have padding or underwire’’ while sleeping.

He warned of the possible effects wearing a tight fitting bra could have on your health:

‘Wearing a bra that is too tight can inhibit flow of lymphatic fluid, this can cause lymphedema (swelling) of the breasts, which can lead to pain and some temporary skin discoloration.’

And let's be real, that doesn't sound great.


Sleep is honestly one of our favourite things.

However, now that we are adults, we have bid farewell to sleeping in until 10 am and taking a four-hour nap during the day to catch up on your night's sleep after hours of partying.

However, a new study has shown that if you're not sleeping well, it could be down to simply not drinking enough water.


Of course, not all sleep issues are linked to the lack of hydration and could be a sign of a more serious condition, and you should speak to your doctor if it persists.

But for the majority of us, scientists at Penn State University, Pennsylvania said that drinking more fluids could really help the quality of our sleep.

They studied 2,000 adults in China and the US and analysed their sleep and urine.

The study published in the journal, SLEEP, concluded that those who slept for six hours a night had significantly more concentrated urine and were more dehydrated.


Whereas those who regularly got the recommended amount of eight hours of shut-eye a night were more hydrated.

So if you want those two hours of extra sleep, it might be a good idea to drink some extra water.

The experts said that a hormone, vasopressin was linked to sleep quality and hydration.

"Vasopressin is released both more quickly and later on in the sleep cycle," said lead author, Asher Rosinger.

"So, if you're waking up earlier, you might miss that window in which more of the hormone is released, causing a disruption in the body's hydration."

"If you are only getting six hours of sleep a night, it can affect your hydration status," added the assistant professor at Penn State.

"This study suggests that if you're not getting enough sleep, and you feel bad or tired the next day, drink extra water."

So we will definitely be keeping a glass of water beside our bed.


Hands up who loves a Sunday morning lie in?

We'd say the majority of you have your hands virtually in the air right now, because… sleep.

There's nothing better than staying in bed, relaxing and catching up on some well-needed you-time.

Well, it turns out that those of us who can indulge on a lie in are doing things right – because being sleep deprived has a seriously negative impact on our health.

In a new study published in New Scientist, it found that brain cells ware out and be destroyed when we're chronically sleep deprived.

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The study, which took place in Italy, saw that a lack of sleep over a long period of time could contribute to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, as well as other neurological disorders.

So if you didn't get a chance to catch some zzz's this weekend, make sure you find some time next week. Your brain will thank you for it.


Ever pass by a creche and see toddlers having nap time? Ever wish you could be one of those?

Well, now you kinda can.

A UK-based gym is offering a class where, instead of breaking a sweat, you catch up on your sleep.

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The hour-long class, which is called 'Nap-ercise', starts with stretching for 15 minutes, and then a 45 minute slot for catching up on your ZZZs.

According to Hello Giggles, the gym wrote on its website: “The frantic nature of modern life means that few of us seem to get enough sleep, and if you’re a parent, a good night’s rest becomes even more of a luxury.

"So we’re created a new group class — group napping classes for exhausted mums and dads to help boost their mental and physical wellbeing.”

We NEED this.


When you and your partner decide to move in together, a fair amount of compromise needs to take place.

(You might agree to forfeit your 80 throws and 200 scatter cushions if he agrees to donate his games console to charity, that kind of thing.)

No but seriously, while delegation of household tasks might seem like the biggest source of stress in your new co-habiting environment, it turns out that bringing out the bins has NOTHING on bailing into bed if a recent study is to be believed.

According to researchers from the University of Leeds, sharing a bed with someone who tends to snore or sleep talk can have a detrimental effect on your own health.

Research concluded that 29% of participants suffer from sleep deprivation as a result of their bedmate – a condition which can increase the risk of depression, heart disease, respiratory failure and stroke.

Good thing we secretly kept those throws and cushions – some people, who shall remain nameless, are sleeping on the couch tonight.


Many of us find it super difficult to fall asleep at night.

Whether you have a million things buzzing around your brain or your other half is playing football in their sleep, it's super frustrating when your mind will just not shut off.

Sounds like you? Well, then let me introduce you to Napflix

Yep, this website is purely based on TV shows that will send you to snoozeland, and we couldn't be happier.

The creators of the site say, "Napflix is a video platform where you can find the most silent and sleepy content selection to relax your brain and easily fall asleep."

So, if you find yourself not able to nod off, you can either walk through the entire Mario Cart game, or watch the Slow Life of a Koala Bear

Sure, we'll give it a go!


Our phones, TV and laptop in general should be avoided for at least an hour before we head to bed, but hey, we're all humans. And sometimes humans need to obsessively scroll through their ex's cousin's BFF's wedding photos for two hours, y'know?

Enter Apple's newest feature – iPhone Night Shift mode. Exposure to bright lights late at night – especially the blue LED light emitted by our smartphones and tablets – is supposedly one major no-no when it comes to getting a good night's sleep, and Night Shift mode aims to solve that problem.

Scheduling Night Shift Mode on your iPhone will cause the phone's lighting settings to re-adjust at your chosen time of the evening. You'll still be able to use the phone as normal, but with a yellow-toned backlight instead of a blue one.

A similar feature is available for most laptops using software programmes like F:lux, but it's never been offered as standard on an Apple product until now.

The issue with blue LED light is that its brightness is so similar to afternoon sunlight that our brains tend to become over-stimulated, which of course is a big alarm bell when you're hoping to drift off easily before that big interview tomorrow.

And while Apple certainly aren't going so far as to tell us to put our phones away completely (Steve Jobs would be rolling in his grave), they are at least attempting to make the consequences of phone usage late at night less severe.

If you're wondering when you can test out Night Shift for yourself, here are the phone/iPad models on which it's available. Simply go to Settings > Display and Brightness > Enable Night Shift Mode.

  • iPad Air and above, iPad Mini 2 and above, and iPad Pro.
  • iPhone 5s and above.
  • iPod Touch 6G

It's fair enough to say that we all want to know the easiest way to tone up our tums and bums, and it seems like someone has figured it out. 

Forget the insane workouts and the diet consisting of only raw organic kale and just take a nap instead. It turns out, stripping down before hopping into bed could be the secret to the toning you're after.

You could get that leaner physique from sleeping nude according to strength coach Charles R Poliquin. 

The National Sleep Foundation in America have conducted a study which shows that one in three adults sleep in the nude and now it seems that has all sorts of health benefits. 

According to the strength coach, sleeping in the nude can help lower your cortisol levels which will in turn help you tone up. 

Cortisol causes your body to stores extra fat and especially visceral fat which can be extremely bad for your health. Visceral fat surrounds vital organs such as the heart which can lead to heart disease.

It is reported that sleeping naked lowers the cortisol levels that are produced while you sleep. This leaves more cortisol to be released during the day when you can use it up more effectively during exercise.


'If you make too much cortisol, you are limiting your testosterone production. The consequences being that building muscle and burning fat becomes harder,'

According to Charles, if you get too hot during the night, the production of growth hormones in your body suffers and in turn that makes it harder for your body to burn fat. 

'You need optimal levels of growth hormone to repair all tissues in the body and also to burn fat. Healthy growth hormone production also benefits your immune system, and lowers your risk of diabetes and heart disease."
