Time of the month? Here’s why you need to assume this sleep position
It's only the very fortunate among us who don't feel the need to spend half a week in bed during that time of the month.
Discomfort, tiredness and general malaise mean most of us would happily build a duvet fort and refuse to emerge until we get the all-clear from our ovaries, but what with work, college and, you know, general life responsibilities, it's simply not an option.
You can, however, ensure you get the very best of the eight hours you do spend in the scratcher by following expert advice on the best sleeping position to assume during your period.
According to Glamour, experts in the field of womens' issues unanimously agree that the foetal position is the best option during those particular five days of the month.
Offering an explanation for this, Dr. Jennifer Wider said: "Many women report that the fetal position can help relieve cramps."
Elaborating further, Lisa Lindley, M.D., board-certified gynaecologist with Eisenhower Women's Health added: "Sleeping in the foetal position takes pressure off the abdominal muscles."
In addition to relieving the cramps which keep many of us up at night, the foetal position generally ensures against leaks due to the positioning of the woman's legs – something which cannot be said for the face-down position.
According to the experts, it's best to avoid this position when Aunt Flo is in town simply because lying on your stomach puts pressure on your uterus, results in more leaks and quickly increases your laundry pile.
Just something to keep in mind…