Six tips to help you get out of bed in the mornings
Getting out of bed is never easy. Never.
Even the days that you don’t feel too groggy and tired, there is still nothing pleasant about having to emerge from the warm comfort of the duvet.
But alas, rise we must.
Here are six easy tips to help you take the plunge and dive out of bed first thing in the mornings.
Drink water before you go to sleep
Filling your body with fluids is a great way to get you out of bed in the mornings because (as much as we try to resist) you will inevitably lose the battle and have to go to the bathroom. Then it is just important to actually stay up and not scurry back under the covers. However, if you wake up in the middle of the night to go it won’t be very helpful in the morning so try keeping a glass of water beside your bed and drink this during the night.
Keep the curtains a little bit open
This is almost a cruel trick to play on yourself but allowing a little sunlight in in the mornings will make it a whole lot easier to peel yourself out of bed. Aside from waking up with the light, the sun is the best source of vitamin D which provides you with energy. So letting the rays at you before getting out of bed will give you the extra little kick you need.
Eat before going to sleep
If you usually eat dinner hours before going to bed, it is inevitable that you will be really hungry by the time the morning comes. This hunger will add to your tiredness and make it that much more difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. Trying eating a small low-carbohydrate food such as cottage cheese, nuts or yoghurt.
Jazz up your alarm clock
Waking up to the horrible sound of your screeching alarm clock instantly puts you in a bad mood and that is no way to start your day. Try putting a song you like as your alarm tone instead and it will give you happy connotations first thing in the morning. Although, maybe don’t put your favourite song as your alarm bell as the chances are you’re going to get sick of it at some point!
Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room
Lots of us don’t like doing this because it feels like inflicting torture on our waking selves before we have even gone to bed. But, it does work. Not being able to hit that dreaded snooze button with ease will make a huge difference to how easily you roll out of bed.
Get your caffeine fix
Kick the morning grogginess with some caffeine first thin. A cup of coffee is good but a green tea is even better.