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smoked avocado

As we are massive avocado fans, we get quite excited any time there is a development in the world of our favourite snack item.

The mood is generally one of disappointment whenever we discover that we’ve, literally, scraped every last bit of fruity goodness from the peel.

However, as it turns out, we’ve been discarding the last of our avocados prematurely. We haven’t been eating the seeds!

Which actually seems more like a stone, to be honest, but that’s another discussion entirely.

One Green Planet are telling is that the seed is “where most of the fruit’s nutritional potential resides".

"The seed holds 70% of the avocado’s antioxidants, including the well-respected polyphenols associated with green tea," the site informs us.

“The oil within ups the amount of collagen in our skin, keeping it young and wrinkle-free, as well as shining up the hair so that we remain good-looking, too."

Sounds great. Also, the antioxidants to be found in the seed “help regulate intestinal function and have even been shown to prevent tumour growth.”

So, great hair, no bloating and all of the tasty goodness to satisfy your avocado obsession. It is almost too good to be true.

Almost, because one thing that struck us: how do you go about eating the stone?

According to the site, you can cut it into quarters and put it in a blender.

However, you have been warned that it may not a complete “miracle food”. One nutritionist told HuffPost Health that avocado seeds may not solve all your dietary problems but:

“If you want to eat it and benefit from a few extra nutrients, antioxidants and fibre, by all means do.”

If perhaps the avocado seed still isn’t looking all that appealing, then have no fear because there are plenty of other ways you can enjoy the green snack superhero.


So we may not be as crazy about avocado as someone like Miley Cyrus, but that does not mean we will turn our nose up at the chance to enjoy some new delicious recipes.

For example, have you ever tried to smoke an avocado? Well, you can and it is delicious, apparently it tastes just like bacon. Perfect for vegetarians who might miss the smoky fabulous flavour from time to time.

The main reason we are so excited about this one is also because it is very easy to do at home. Hurrah!

​Buzzfeed caught up with chef Aaron London who rocks the man bun very well and makes amazing smoked avocado. Alright so maybe wood chips are not the most common item to be found in your kitchen, but if you’re feeling adventurous you can easily source some online.

Then all you need to do is pop some tin foil in the pot and throw the wood chips in there. After leaving them at a medium-high heat they should start to smoke, which can take a few minutes. 

Then add the avocado and put the lid on the pot. Leave them for five minutes and then the magic happens. Smoked avocado for all. Yum.

You can smash your avocados, slice them for avocado toast or use your smoked avocado for some delicious guacamole. We think we might be tempted to try this soon. 
