Eric Bana’s new movie role has left him too afraid to sleep
Eric Bana couldn’t sleep for weeks after watching exorcism footage for his new movie Deliver Us From Evil.
The 45-year-old actor’s co-star Olivia Munn revealed that the Australian actor has been too spooked to get any shut eye while researching the real-life events the film is based on.
“To me it got serious when Eric told me had seen the actual exorcism footage the NYPD took, and he couldn’t sleep for three weeks and he wasn’t even a believer,” she said.
This is Eric’s first foray into horror and he admitted to “coming from a sceptical place” when he agreed to play police officer Ralph Sarchie who documented his supernatural investigations in a book.
“[Director] Scott [Derrickson] scared the bejeezus out of me in pre-production,” he said. “He shared with me a bunch of things I immediately regretted seeing.”
Deliver Us From Evil follows the true accounts of Sarchie as he joins forces with an unconventional priest – played by Edgar Ramirez – to combat a series of possessions that are terrorising the city.
This year is shaping up to be a big one for Bana, who recently finished promoting war flick Lone Survivor with Mark Wahlberg and Taylor Kitsch.
He better get some shut eye soon then!