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Nail biting has long been considered one of the worst bad habits you can develop, but all that might be about to change as a new study has revealed that having a cheeky chew might actually be good for you.

Researchers in New Zealand have found that children who bite their nails or suck their thumbs are less likely to develop allergies than those who don’t because all that under-nail bacteria we’ve been so long warned off actually seems to have a strengthening effect on the body’s immune system.

The investigation – which has been published in the Pediatrics journal – is based on the hygiene hypothesis which states that the more germs and bacteria you are exposed to in childhood, the stronger your immune system is likely to be in adulthood.

The study – which involved 1,000 people – assessed thumb sucking and nail biting habits at ages five, seven, nine and eleven and tested for allergies in 13 and 32-year-olds.

Almost one third of the children involved were found to be regular thumb suckers or nail biters and these children were significantly less likely to be allergic to dust mites and pets in their teens than their non-nail biting counterparts.

This effect was also found to last into adulthood but does not apply to asthma or hay fever at any age.

While there are still obvious disadvantages to biting your nails, the study does show that even the worst of habits can have their benefits.

Feat image: Maxcure Hospitals 


If you're in the habit of sacrificing a made-up face for an extra ten minutes in bed in the morning, it might be worth noting that that very habit could be costing you a lot come pay day.

Yes as much as it sucks, a pair of American sociologists have found that physically attractive people generally tend to make more money than those of us who are only of "average" good looks.

According to Marie Claire, researchers Jaclyn Wong and Andrew Penner found that "attractive individuals earn roughly 20 percent more than people of average attractiveness”.

But before you get too upset and start blaming your financial woes on genetics, it might be worth noting that the study shows the relationship between good looks and income is reduced when grooming is controlled for – which basically means that by wearing makeup to work, you boost your chances of making more money.

While it was previously believed that women's looks have a greater effect on their pay check than men's, this study actually found that perceived attractiveness is of equal importance for men and women when it comes to their income.

The report states: “Further, while both conventional wisdom and previous research suggest the importance of attractiveness might vary by gender, we find no gender differences in the attractiveness gradient.”  Wohoo for equality!

Interestingly – and again stressing the value a bit of slap can have in the workplace – the researchers did note that while grooming can fully make up the looks-income gap for women, it can only fill in half the difference for men.

So next time the man in your life tells you make-up is a waste of money, you now have the info to put him straight.


Here in SHEmazing Towers we're big fans of no-nonsense weight-loss. And in our books that means shedding the excess pounds of winter without scrapping our three-a-day Maltesers bunny habit. 

Now another weight-loss tip that's right up our street has come to our attention: namely that drinking WINE before bed can keep you slim.


We have Washington State University and Harvard to thank for such an invaluable contribution to health science – they found that a chemical called resveratrol stops your body's fat cells gaining more fat, therefore helping you stay slim. 

And where is this wonder chemical found? That's right – in WINE!

According to scientists, drinking at least two glasses – aka a half a bottle – can help beat obesity by some 70 percent. 

But wait.. there's more: the University Of Denmark found that people who drank everyday had slimmer waistlines compared to their sober counterparts, while Harvard’s weight gain study of 20,000 people revealed that out of all of those that gained a large amount of weight, none of them were drinkers. 

Happy Friday, folks!


Ever get told off at work for not concentrating? Do you have a daily struggle to prioritise one thing over another?

Well according to a new study, workers who regularly find it difficult to focus in the workplace may actually just be incredibly intelligent. 

And why do these employees find it so difficult to concentrate? Because of all the BRILLIANT ideas they have whizzing around their brains, of course. 

"Employers are always on the lookout for the brightest people available," said the vice president of Steelcase, who published the research. 

"However the difficulty to withstand multiple tasks and distractions in the office affects smart people in the same way as everyone else, if not more.

"The ways in which we work are changing more rapidly than ever before and the brain is being subjected to stresses and distractions which can lead to overload and statistics show that distractions in the workplace are on the rise."

The study surveyed 10,000 workers in 17 different countries and found that the top cause of distraction in the workplace is technology. 

But perhaps worst of all, a lack of concentration in the workplace can cause a worker to feel inadequate and diminish his value in the eyes of the employer.

When in fact, they could simply just be a total genius. 

Yep, we'll be more than happy to pass off our procrastination as intelligence in the future. 



We may be battling flu season, the common cold and the dreaded annual throat infection this winter, but scientists believe we have another contagion to be worried about: Rudeness. 

Yep, studies conducted at the University of Florida have concluded that people who regularly witness rude behaviour amongst their peers are more susceptible to adopting rude behaviour themselves. 

Even more dangerously perhaps is that the study also revealed that a person who witnessed a lot of negative behaviour in their day to day life tended to also interpret normal behaviour as rude. This, in turn, can result in them reacting rudely.

We are talking about a never ending cycle of meanness people! 

The studies involved showing test subjects videos of co-workers interacting both positively and negatively towards each other. The viewers were then asked to respond to customer service emails. 

The participants who had viewed the rude interaction video were more likely to interpret a moderately worded email as extremely rude and respond accordingly. 

Another study paired individuals with rude team members to test their reaction. The experiment showed that the subject tended to be increasingly rude in their further interactions after being paired with a not so nice person. 

So, we think the lesson here y'all is to just be nice. Simples! 


So are you the person that never remembers the office Christmas party?

Did you accidently tell Brigid in Accounting that everyone thinks shes a bit dry or perhaps you flirted shamelessly with your married boss?

Maybe those scratches on your leg are from when you crawled up on the table to do a terrible karaoke version of Total Eclipse of the Heart?

Well listen up! New research says your drunken antics might not just be the result of just having one too many G&Ts. 

A new study conducted by scientists in the University of Helsinki has identified a genetic mutation that results in some drinkers acting overly impulsive and reckless when drinking.

Defects in our 'serotonin 2B receptor' can kick in after only a small amount of alcohol, causing unruliness in some drinkers.

According to Dr Roope Tukkanen, those with the mutation are more likely to "get into verbal arguments and fights, have unplanned sex" and "are arrested more often." 

Those with the genetic mutation are generally quite impulsive even when not drinking and probably suffer from mood disorders. 

Though the study has located the mutation in the Finnish population, people with Finnish ancestry could also be susceptible. 

"Nowadays people move more, which may result in the mutation being passed on," said Dr Roope.

Even if you can't find any semblance of Finnish ancestry in your family tree, this is still a good excuse for a particularly embarrassing office Christmas party – but if we're honest, it was probably all those shots of tequila that were the problem.


College is absolutely going to be one of the best few years of your life should you decide to head off into the wonderful world of academia. However, it can also be challenging.

Striking up the perfect life and study balance can be tricky. So we gathered up some of the best tricks to help you navigate the next few years. 

Need to learn material fast? Just Google the subject matter + “filetype:ppt” to find lecture slides online, because sometimes your lecturers won't give them away if you don't show up. 

Forgot your textbook? Or maybe you spent your last tenner on last weekend's session? No need to panic just Google the name of the textbook + “filetype:pdf” and you might find it online.

Listen to ambient noise or natural sounds for maximum productivity. Try 8tracks.com for thousands of varying studying playlists to help you focus and get sh*t done.

Get answers to problems that normal search engines, classmates or textbooks just don't know at/r/HomeworkHelp.

A couple of websites can create a bibliography in less than a minute. We all know how long citations take, so you can also try easybib.com if you really need some help.

When you need to buckle down, which will happen eventually, block distracting websites and apps. If you use Chrome try StayFocused, which is a free extension. Then watch your productivity soar.

Learn how to make a breakfast that is tasty, inexpensive and fast. 

Also, keep your snack game strong and less likely to end up crushed into your couch/floor with this trick:

Laptop overheating? Grab one of these, or an empty egg container and put in on your lap. Genius:

If you're a mildly broke student chances are you're going to be using public transport. This is really fine, except for when it's winter and being stranded at the bus stop leave you with wet shoes and shoes and just generally despairing. No worries, you can waterproof your shoes:






Are you guilty of having a messy bedroom/kitchen/desk/entire house? Well turns out that's not necessarily a bad thing. 


According to scientist Adam Frank, no matter how hard some people may try to keep their s*** together, it just isn't going to happen and through no fault of our own. Yup, it's just science!

Adam states: "Think about your desk. You tidy it up. It slides into a mess. Tidy it up again, and still, two weeks later, the mess is back.

"That's because the deepest of deep cosmic principles is playing itself out right there in the midst of your pens, paper clips and paperwork."

So what you're saying is, there's no point in us tidying up at all in the first place? Ok Adam, you have our attention. 

This physicist wants us all to feel better about not being able to keep on top of all of our cleaning sometimes "You see, it's not just us. It's a law of physics.

"The hard truth is that the universe itself is dead-set against our long-term efforts to bring order to the chaos in our lives. That's because the universe loves chaos."

So if your desk has a pile that's beginning to get higher and higher, then just remember what Adam says: "Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights."

So we guess you could say you're basically doing it for the benefit of our lives and careers.



Whether you need a space for work or study, there are ways of making it much more productive with minimal effort – which is our type of effort, obviously…

Here are some ways of getting your study space into tip-top condition to ensure you get the most out of your work:

Having a bright space to work in is really important, but never underestimate the calming effects of a lamp either. On those dull days we have a lot in Ireland, a lovely orange-y light emitted into the room will help you feel warm and cosy allowing you to work away in comfort.

While it can be nice to have two hot water bottles strapped to each leg, one on our middle and another for our back, making sure the room has air circulating is really important for concentration levels.

Not only do plants look nice, they also greatly improve the air quality of a room by reducing carbon dioxide levels. Businesses with more plants are said to have more productive workers who make less mistakes. We’re sold!

Blankets and pillows
Pretty pillows and blankets will make you feel cosy and by decorating your space will make it feel your own.

Many candles emit a subtle smell and a dim light which will make your space seem peaceful and snug. Just remember to blow them out! 



Researchers in UCC looked at data submitted by 2,500 Irish respondents to a European Social Survey in 2010, and found that the happiest people are under 30, or over 65.

Great news, we’re sure you’ll agree – not! We are approaching our thirtieth with a whole new sense of dread now!

The study found that the happiest of people were over 65, lived in rural Ireland, had jobs, had regular contact with their children and were religious.

What was interesting however, was that the amount of money you had only had a modest impact on your level of happiness – but whether or not you had a job made a big difference.

There was no difference between men and women, but those who had a third level qualification were said to be happier.

Dr. Edel Walsh said: “Overall, it bears out literature showing that we are at our happiest when younger or older, while not so during those transitional ages in our 30s and 40s.”



We all have different expectations about going to college and to be honest, most of them are completely off the mark. Once you get there you realise that things are little different than you thought, in a good and bad way. It’s a bit more laid back than you thought, which is a double edged sword because there is less pressure, but all the responsibility is on you. Here are the top things that people say before their first year in college.

1. “It will be such a doss”
It’s true that you will have a lot more freedom in college, but at the end of the day you still have to the do the work. No one is going to put pressure on you and it’s all on you whether you bother or not, otherwise you will be looking a lot of repeats.

2. “I’ll go to all of my lectures”
You have this grand agenda that you won’t miss a lecture and you’ll be sorted for your exams. This lasts for about two weeks and then you soon realise that sleep becomes more important to you than your lectures. By now you have realised that most lecturers post slides online, which gives you one more excuse not to go in.


3. “I’m going to join loads of societies”
During Freshers week you sign up for all the different societies because you get lots of free stuff. Then you tell yourself you will go to all the events that they organise… highly unlikely. Life gets in the way and you only really go based on whether or not they have free food and booze.

4. “I will be going out every night”
The people that go out every night will be the ones who either will be doing repeats or will eventually just drop out. You actually need to go into college sometimes. Showing up twenty minutes late and hungover for every lecture isn’t a good routine to get into.

5. "I work so I will have loads of money for partying”
If you’re living on campus, you will soon be wondering where all your money has gone. It is quite a costly expense to live on campus and with the little money you have left you will be scrounging for the cheapest beer you can find.

6. “I will go to the gym every day”
While it might sound like a great idea in practice, you go once and then you don’t see the gym for the rest of the year. It wouldn’t make much of a difference anyway because of how bad your diet is.

7. "Gourmet meals from here on in”
So you have learned a few meals that you can cook when you get to college. It’s a different scenario altogether though when you actually get there and you realise you don’t really have the time or the money to be making cuisine quality meals. The closest thing you get to a gourmet meal is Dominos Pizza.

8. "I’m going to get my assignments done early, so I’ll have more free time”
The harsh truth is that an assignment deadline just means how long more you have to procrastinate. You start off handing them in on time and it gradually turns into you giving it in two weeks later  and then finally asking  for an extension a month after it’s due.

9. "I’ll wear all my new clothes I got for college”
At the start you try to put a bit of effort into how you dress, you never know, you might catch someone’s eye in class. Over time you just throw on whatever clothes are on the floor and if you could you would wear your pyjamas to class.

10. "It’s going to be great having a new roommate”
No matter how much you love your roommate, over time the stuff they do will get on your nerves. It’s the little things like letting the sink pile up and leaving you to take out the rubbish all the time. Be prepared to secretly hate your roommate by Christmas.

11. "I will have to buy new books for all my classes”
You will soon realise that buying new books is a waste of money and when you lectures say you “need” to buy the book, it means you can get by without it. If you need to get any books you should just rent  them from the library and save your money.

12. "I will finally find someone who gets me”
If you’re going to college and looking for love you’re in the wrong place . Sure, you might hook up,  which will definitely happen a lot in college, but it’s not really the place for long term relationships. You might even have the same interests as them, but you will soon realise that there is more much to a relationship then having things in common.

13. "I’ll start studying a month before exams”
Ha well isn’t that interesting, you’ll be lucky if you get in some study a week before your exams. With assignments still left to do and lots and lots of procrastination, studying for exams becomes less and less likely the longer time passes by. Then, when you finally do decide to study the night before, you actually don’t understand anything.

via our content partner CT



There have been so many days where we’ve been standing in front of our wardrobes wishing, that there was an exact science to putting together the perfect outfit. Getting dressed in the morning would be so much simpler, would it not?

Well, a new study asked 239 subjects to rate how fashionable men and women were from drawings, and then they used the results to devise a chart which could predict judgements across four different colour palates.

The results were very disappointing: “Maximum fashionableness is attained when outfits are neither too coordinated nor too different.”

Could they be any more vague?! They continued:

“…selecting a colour combination that is neither completely uniform, nor completely different. Certainly, moderate matching is not the only key to fashion, which varies across time and culture and depends upon many factors including cut, design, and trendiness.”

So what they’re saying is you need a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

The only advice we can take from this is that those matching skirt and jacket suits are OUT.

Back to the drawing board, ladies.
