14 things every Irish person does when the sun comes out
Look, we’re not used to it ok? Cut us some slack and understand that when the sun comes out, we will lose our minds. Here are some things Irish people are known to do in those odd moments of sunshine:
1. Say things like “I’m going to get a great colour”
Yes, two choices: burgundy or scarlet. Which one are you?
2. Build terrible homemade pools
Leaks, leaks everywhere…
3. Apply no sunscreen whatsoever so you get a ‘tan’
Please put away the baby oil. Please!
4. Apply loads of tan afterwards so people think you got a lovely colour
Wow, that doesn’t look fake at all…
5. Chase the ice-cream man whose prices have risen with every degree
Remember when a 99 cone used to cost 99c and not €2? Them were the days…
6. Guys wearing their GAA shorts as swimming trunks
Yes, they do go see-through.
7. Complain about the heat constantly
Jesus though, it’s too warm isn’t it? Heh?
8. Jump off piers and bridges
Ahh pier jumping – nothing says summer like hurling yourself into a dodgy harbour.
9. Huff and puff loudly every 5-6 minutes and repeat the words: “it’s soooo hot” over and over
It’s not even 20 degrees…
10. Ice-cream suddenly becoming a staple part of your diet
Suddenly eating four ice-creams a day becomes a totally okay thing to do.
11. Updating your Facebook status to let everyone know that it’s hot outside
Like you’re some kind of social media meteorologist.
12. Laying in bed smothered in after-sun at 6pm.
13. Build a potentially lethal water slide out of materials you found out back
14. Spend a week looking like this
Ah, there really is nothing like the Irish summer is there? Thank God it’s only one week a year!