THIS is why Nicole Kidman is passionate about sun cream protection
These days (and particularly with the bout of fantastic weather we've been having), we're all conscious of protecting our skin in the sunshine.
Skin cancer is the highest form of cancer in Ireland, so it goes without saying, that delicate Irish skin (skin that burns in the sun, freckles and is pale in colour) needs protection in the form of the right sun cream.
Though of course, there are, as we know, benefits that we all get from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays help the body produce vitamin D and natural vitamin C is always a great thing, but too much exposure means an increased risk of developing skin cancer.
Actress Nicole Kidman is one public figure that has translucent skin very similar to our own alabaster hue, but being that she's Australian, she says she's always been aware of the need to protect skin if you're going to be outside enjoying sun, sea and sand for prolonged periods.
"We’re beach people. We love swimming in the ocean. We also love camping, and we may go glamping,” Kidman told People, referring to her family of four, husband Keith Urban and daughters Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret.
But as well as being an ambassador for Neutrogena and advocating for sun safety in her own personal day-to-day life, she says their another key reason she now warns and urges her own kids to make use of that sun cream.
She explains that long before the higher SPF's came on the market when she was very young – and in Australia, you can get protection of up to SPF 100 – she couldn't be as active outdoors as she would have liked, for fear her skin would get damaged.
"I’m passionate about it because for a lot of my childhood I couldn’t be as outdoorsy or sporty as I would have liked,” Kidman continued.
“Raising two little girls, I want them to be active, yet I want to be a responsible mother and protect their skin so they thank me when they’re older.”
"For me, growing up sunscreens had not been revolutionized in the sense that you wore thick white zinc cream to protect yourself. But now there’s sheer zinc that’s not sticky when you put it on. Now that there are products that let you do the things you want to do, anything is possible," she added.