This surgeon Instagrams DURING surgery, and everyone is raging
Ten years ago we’d have lolled at the idea of photographing our dinners and sharing snaps of our day-to-day life online, but times have changed.
And while Instagram and Snapchat are now verbs in modern-day discourse, the vast majority of us know where to draw the line when it comes to getting snap-happy on the internet.
Unfortunately, not everyone is as savvy on this front as a 31-year-old plastic surgeon and father-of-two from the Ukraine has recently proven.
Sharing photographs of his unconscious patients on the operating table, Edgar Kaminsky has come in for considerable criticism from Surgeons at the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
While they acknowledge that the surgeon has a loyal fanbase online, they have found fault with the nature of the photographs he shares.
“Pre- and post-op pictures, when they are used professionally and respectfully, can be very helpful for patients,” Mary O’Brien, consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS council member told the MailOnline.
"But inappropriate use of photos and social media is exploitative of vulnerable patients," she argued.
Suggesting the surgeon has more interest in gaining celebrity status than maintaining his professional reputation, she added: ”And it is my view, that during an operation, a surgeon should be focusing wholly on that operation, and not on marketing for his own personal gain.”
Defending himself against the criticism, Kaminskyi said: “All my broadcastings in Periscope are organized after the agreement with my patients.”
“They sign an appropriate document. I do not take social networks as a mean of communication, only as an advertising engine,” he added.