Hold everything! THIS new device is the key to ‘liking’ healthy grub
If you – like us – struggle to maintain a kale-obsessed, protein-fuelled diet because… well… snore, then this incredible little device is about to become your best friend.
Aimed at people who would rather opt for cake over cucumber, scientists have come up with an ingenious little gadget which TRICKS your mouth into thinking you're a kale kinda girl.
The Taste Buddy, which is placed inside the mouth before eating a less than desirable foodstuff, has been designed to emit thermal and electric signals which stimulate the taste buds and trick the individual into enjoying the food.
As it stands, the current model only offers a sweet or salty mode, but researchers behind the tool are confident that they will soon be in a position to transform the taste of all food.
"What started out as a fun engineering experiment has now led to something much more exciting with the potential to have a positive social impact," Adrian Cheok – creator of the device – explained.
The device, which is a 2cm tab is heat-activated tool, will be available for the public to try for the first time at The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair early next year.
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