Anna Wintour’s Christmas wrapping puts us all to shame!
It's time to face the truth. We'll never be as stylish as Anna Wintour.
When it comes to wrapping Christmas gifts, we're pretty chuffed if we manage to get through it all without any paper cuts or Sellotape disasters. But now it turns out what we REALLY should have been worrying about is what designer label our paper came from.
Anna Wintour's designer of choice for this years gift wrap is Marni, apparently. And she's using a whole lot of it, if these pictures are anything to go by!
Team AW – Anna's assistants Rey-Hanna, Lily Stav Gildor and Lily Goksenin – took on the role of elves recently, wrapping piles of gifts in the swanky paper.
We wonder if that tennis racquet is for Anna's mate Roger Federer!