The five types of guys we all met in our teens!
Ah, the teenage years – so much drama!
Our guest blogger Fenella Fox from The Fox Files takes a trip down memory lane with a look at a few of the guys that definitely crossed your path during your teenage years. We bet you met a few of these….
The Sophisticated Sixth Year
He is way older than you, you don't stand a chance with him, you never ever see him apart from once a year when you cross paths in town – and he likes to discuss topics such as The Universe and global warming. One time he messaged you on Facebook and you still haven't recovered from it…
The "You think I'm playing it cool but I'm actually just a dick" Guy
He enjoys texting you every now and then to mess with your emotions and then ignores you for months on end after that. You may have asked yourself “hmmm what does this mean?” Well, mature adult me is now telling you that it means MOVE ON.
The Player
He's had some sort of love affair with every girl in town. You were also a victim but believed you could have been the one to change him. Soz babes… but you wont change him. Obviously you're still gonna fall for it everytime despite warnings from your friends, his friends, your family, the government and your goldfish… but, what do they know right?
The "We're just friends I swear" Guy
You've been friends for years but there’s always been harmless flirting going on. Nothing more, nothing less, just harmless flirting. You think there’s no feelings there until he gets a girlfriend and you can’t help but hate them for it a little bit. There is absolutely nothing going on between you and the thought of ever shifting him freaks you out a little bit, but how dare he get a girlfriend? Rude!
The "Never Gonna Happen" Guy
He's the perfect guy who treats you better than all the other guys you know. Boyfriend material and any girl would be lucky to have him, but not you. He is in the Friend Zone and always will be. He tries to make his move when you're crying on his shoulder about being broken hearted and you have to shoot him down with the "I love you like a brother" line and just hope he never tries that EVER again…
Fenella Fox is a 19-year-old fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. You can check out more hilarious posts at The Fox Files!