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Remember when the trusty landline phone was the only way to get in touch with your friends?

You knew everyone's number off by heart and would LEG it to get to the phone before your Mam did.

Well, this teenage girl has clearly never had that problem.

Growing up in the era of mobile phones, she's never even seen a landline before, let alone used one. 

Want to feel VERY old? Watch her figuring out how to hang up…

Okay, we're just going to go and apply for a bus pass now because we're clearly not as young as we thought.



We like to keep our teenage photos hidden safely away at the bottom of the wardrobe, only bringing them out for Facebook revenge after one of our so called friends posts a snap circa 2004 captioned: “WHAT were we wearing?! So funny! Hahaha!”

Hahaha, indeed.


Well, it’s clear Reece Witherspoon doesn’t have the same problem, as she voluntarily posted a teenage throwback snap and proved that there was no awkward stage for her. No sir.

Fifteen-year-old Reece was on the set of the 1991 film Wildflower in this photo. It was only her second ever movie, but she had plenty more to come – not to mention an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Walk The Line, and she’s rumoured to be up for an Oscar this year for her upcoming film Wild too. That said, she will always be Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods to us – it’s a classic!

Just look at that hair, and that relaxed pose. Not even a hint of teenage angst, or an over indulgence in eyeliner! How DID she do it?! 


A video has just been released of a teenage Katy Perry talking about make-up, and really missing her parents.

In the behind the scenes video, taken by Jim Standridge just after she was signed to Red Hill Records in 2001, the singer shows the cameraman around her messy tour bus.

She then goes back to the mirror to put her make-up on. "Yeah, I'm pretty conceited," she says.

"I usually put loads of make-up on because I'm a pizza face. Would you like pepperoni or cheese?" she jokes.

The Roar star then talks about getting nervous, especially "when she knows people in the audience," before some of her live footage flashes up.

She also talks about missing her parents.  "You know when you hate your parents so much you miss them?" she says welling up.

Aw Katy! You were a lovable star in the making, even back then! 




Those of us who had to suffer through braces during our teens have this kind of silent understanding with one another. We understand what it was like.

Here are some things you will remember from your time having braces: 

1. Thinking “Why ME?!” when you found out it was time to get your braces
Sometimes the world just seems so unfair. Some people are born with perfect teeth, and others need to get braces on for two and a half years.

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2. The sheer pain you endured for days afterwards
The immense pain in your gums was almost unbearable. No amount of painkillers could totally numb it.

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3. Drinking all of your meals for the next week
The blender and straw were your best friends. Remember surviving on a diet of yoghurt and soup?

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4. Refusing to smile for ages
And when you did smile, you gave that weird, creepy grin where you tried to hide your braces so only the tops of your gums were on show.

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5. Getting elastic bands attached
What a horrific idea. Whoever though of this? Bright and colourful elastic bands which pin themselves across your teeth. At least change the colour so people don’t ask you about them over and over again.


6. Fearing that you wouldn’t get to kiss anybody until you got them off
When you have braces, you think that they are the most unattractive thing in the world. But they’re not, and you quickly realised that there’s far more unattractive things than braces.

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7. The great feeling when your friends got braces too
You’re not alone in this struggle! Solidarity. The glorious feeling when one of your friends gets braces too. You say nothing of course, but inside you’re weeping with happiness.

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8. Running your tongue along your braces
How weird? Don’t lie, you did it.

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9. Having food lodged in your braces
It was one of the worst situations about having braces. You had to try and remove the bits of food that crept into the gaps between the metal and hope that nobody noticed you doing so.

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10. Getting your braces tightened
You knew it was coming but it never made it any better. The pain would resurface, as would the blender and straw…

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11. Being called the worst nicknames in the world
Braceface, Train Tracks and Metal Mouth were among the worst. Then some people had the audacity to shout “CHOO CHOOOOO!”

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12. The euphoria you feel when you get your braces off!
There is no better feeling in your adolescent, or indeed adult, life than the day you get your braces off. Going from trying not to smile to unleashing that glorious Hollywood grin at every opportunity is just fantastic!

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via our content partner CT



This is just so heartbreaking.

Author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, has sent a letter to 15-year-old, Cassidy Stay, in the voice of Dumbledore.

The move comes after the teen’s mum, dad and siblings were all shot dead by her uncle in Texas at the beginning of July.

During a memorial service for her family, the brave girl took to the podium and quoted Dumbledore in her moving and inspirational tribute: “Happiness can be found in the darkest times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

J.K. Rowling heard of the girl’s words through a social media campaign and sent Cassidy a handwritten letter from Dumbledore, and lots of Harry Potter items such as a wand and a signed book. 



Rapper Drake made a teenager’s dream come true, with a lot of help from her big-hearted classmates.

When 15-year-old Kennedy Brown, from Houston in the U.S., was unable to finish the school year due to a terminal brain tumour, her classmates stepped up to make sure that she didn’t miss out on any major school events.

They held a ‘high school in a day’ experience for the teen who’s been battling cancer for two years.

The pals threw an early prom for Kennedy and crowned her prom queen before holding a graduation ceremony during which she received her diploma.

But Kennedy’s classmates were on a mission and had another very special surprise up their sleeves.

When their local TV station ran a story about the festivities, the students asked viewers to tweet rapper Drake, in the hopes of catching the star’s attention so he would send a message to Kennedy – who is a massive fan of the star.

In just a matter of hours, the hashtag #DrakeForKen went viral.

Kennedy’s father, Tony Brown, received a call from the rapper himself who promised he wouldn’t let the teenager down.

Drake spent last weekend hanging out with Kennedy and her pals, and by the looks of the pictures, they both had a great day.

