So, more than 50 televisions were stolen in Lucan last week
Gardaí have issued an appeal after more then 50 televisions were stolen from a shop in Lucan Retail Park.
According to The Irish Times, at around 1.50am last Thursday morning, a number of suspects broke into the Co. Dublin retail park store and proceeded to steal 50 TVs, as well as a safe filled with cash.
Gardaí are now calling for witnesses to come forward and ask that if you were in the area between 1.30am and 3.30am, to make yourself known.
They noted that the van used in the robbery had a number of ladders tied to the roof, which may spark a witness's memory.
Gardaí in Lucan Garda Station are conducting the investigation, and have also asked the public to get in touch if they see any TVs for sale in the area.
“During the course of this burglary a number of TV’s were taken and we would again ask the public to contact gardaí if they have any information or are offered a TV for sale," a Garda spokeswoman said.
You can contact Lucan Garda Station on 01-6667300.