‘Yeah, fine’ The 9 texts we’re ALL guilty of sending our other halves
Recent studies have shown that the use of punctuation in text messages can send most of us into an absolute meltdown.
From using fullstops to omitting emojis, the textual landscape is an absolute minefield.
And nowhere is this more prevalent than in exchanges which play out between us and our significant others.
From the one-word response to the passive-aggressive intro, we’ve rounded up the worst texts you can send or receive if you’re hoping to actually, you know, stay in your relationship.
1. The 'fake concerned' text
He said he'd be back after two pints, but six hours later you're crawling into bed alone.
"Hey babe, can you let me know you're OK when you find a second please?"
2. The 'one-word' text
When you're angry, but can't be arsed explaining yourself, so you go for the classic 'one word' reply.
3. The 'fullstop-laden' text
You'd rather die than let that eejit off the hook, so you send more fullstops than you can shake a stick at.
"OK. I don't mind. See you later."
4. The 'cryptic' text
You've decided he doesn't ask enough about your day, so you play him at his own game by spoonfeeding him information like you'll be charged for it.
"I don't know. Maybe 8pm. Oh, you don't know them. Where? Dunno."
5. The 'throwback' text
You're irked but can't decide why, so you rack your brain for something to fight about
"Remember that time you smiled at the girl on the Luas? Remind me again what that was about."
6. The 'drunk with the girls' text
You think you're looking sexy and being hilarious, but he thinks you sound drunk and are being ridiculous.
"Babe, remember the guy I used fancy? He's here and asked to buy me a drink. As if… lol… wait. Hello?"
7. The 'purposefully annoying' text
You know he's watching a match, but you don't see why he can't text at the same time.
"Who's winning? Anyway, will I get a blunt fringe or not? And did I tell you what your one in work said?"
8. The ' I didn't see it' text
He asked about plans you have no interest in, so you don't reply and then play the dumb card.
"And what time was that at, hun? Oh God, I don't know how I missed it…"
9. The 'awkward' sext
You think you're going to make his day with a random sext during the afternoon slump, and you get no reply.
"Eh hello? My bra? Write back!"