These Thanksgiving tweets have us dreading Xmas dinner with the fam
Christmas dinner is a funny one.
You're delighted to see the family members that you can't find time for throughout the year, but then there's always the 'add-ons' who poke and question and just generally annoy the sh*t out of you.
So, we were fairly delighted when we saw this #thanksgivingclapback on Twitter, because it basically describes what we all have to go through at the dinner table.
Sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy these:
Family member: You still a lesbian?
Me: You still broke? #ThanksgivingClapback pic.twitter.com/JHIEINGQJU— no (@yallaintfunny) November 24, 2016
Homophobic Uncle: I see you're still wearing makeup.
Me: I see you're on your third marriage… #thanksgivingclapback pic.twitter.com/hRSr18Ig1P— Vibrant Venus (@VibrantVenus) November 24, 2016
"I heard you have bad grades"
"I heard you have bad credit"#thanksgivingclapback pic.twitter.com/W70GYraBSn— Brooke Lynne (@itsbrookelynne) November 24, 2016
"you still vegan?"
"you still ugly?"#ThanksgivingClapBack pic.twitter.com/ctNoz8WshM— bell (@isabellaaolsenn) November 24, 2016
"Homosexuality is a sin"
"So is cheating on your third wife"#ThanksgivingClapback pic.twitter.com/z1Xf5AgIy6— Sam Kalidi (@samkalidi) November 24, 2016
Aunt ; You Know Tattoos Are a Lifetime Commitment
Me ; But Your Marriage Wasn't #ThanksGivingClapBack @kashdoll pic.twitter.com/2R6J1WmMJp
— DK (@DetroitKendoll) November 24, 2016
Uncle: heard ur not a fan of Trump. He will be great
Me: heard you say you don't like the dark meat. Coincidence?
— Tyler Myrvold (@theLEYETE) November 24, 2016
Aunt: "Still don't have a girlfriend?"
Me: "Still don't know which kid belongs to which Dad?"#ThanksgivingClapback
— Chance (@ComedyChance) November 24, 2016
aunt: slow down, your food's not going anywhere
me: i wish i could say the same about your husbands #ThanksgivingClapBack
— abby (@abbyboatright) November 24, 2016
Uncle: "shouldn't you be outside with the kids?"
Me: "Shouldn't you be raising yours?"#thanksgivingclapback pic.twitter.com/cy8EwXxFJ2
— A Coop (@asiaacooooper) November 24, 2016
Homophobic Uncle: You still telling everyone you're gay?
Me: You still telling everyone you're employed? pic.twitter.com/vrmcn7Hmat
— Julian (@_JulianVZ_) November 24, 2016
Aunt : "You Still Wearing All That Makeup?"
Me : "Hmm , You Still Got All Them Roaches In Your Kitchen?"#ThanksgivingClapBack pic.twitter.com/ebkDQyoecm
— Avez (@Ohsnapitzzavery) November 24, 2016
aunt: i hear your grades are struggling
me: just like the button on your jeans#thanksgivingclapback pic.twitter.com/s7MkIV4oWH
— lake jacobs (@crazedxjacobs) November 24, 2016