Government favours family ‘opt-out’ plan for future organ donation
The Irish Government has approved an opt-out scheme for organ donation.
Yesterday, Health Minister Simon Harris, brought forward a motion to the Cabinet which will see families give authorisation for organ donation.
The aim of the new Bill, called The Human Tissue Bill, is to regulate the removal, retention, storage, use and disposal of human tissue from the deceased.
This will mean that families will have the right to stop the organs of their loved ones being donated, if they wish to do so.
According to The Irish Times, Mr Harris said: “This has been long-talked about in this country and today we take a step closer to it becoming a reality.
“An opt-out system of consent for organ donation and accompanying publicity campaign will raise awareness among individuals and encourage discussion among families of their intentions in relation to organ donation.
“In this way individuals can increase the chances that their organs might be utilised after their death, and can ensure that those left behind will have the satisfaction of knowing that their wishes were carried through.”
The first draft of The Human Tissue Bill, which has been promised for several years now, will be brought to the Cabinet this Autumn.