19 Lessons at 19: Here’s a video that we can ALL definitely learn from
No matter how old you get, you ain’t never done learnin’.
Each passing year throws new experiences your way and each decade presents new challenges, and, whether we’d like to admit it or not, we’ll never be able to safely say we have this whole life and love thing totally nailed.
And this is why we’re ALWAYS open to guidance, life lessons and advice from other women – women we can learn from and women who have a wealth of knowledge they’re all too happy to share if only we’d just bloody well listen.
As part of the One Year Project – something which recently gave everyone at SHEmazing! HQ major feels – two young woman have taken the time to share their experience of life so far, and these girls talk some serious sense.
Shared on the One Year Project YouTube Page, the channel acts as a platform for best friends, Megan and Alice, to document the goals they achieve as the year progresses.
Ladies, it’s time to take a look at 19 Life Lessons I Learned at 19.