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there’s an app for that

We've all been there. You receive a text from your crush and spend hours analysing it, breaking it down, and sending it onto your mates to see what their verdict is.

And most of the time, the text is something pretty mundane like, 'so, how was your day?'

But still, you pester your friends with questions such as, 'Does this mean he fancies me?' or 'Is he just bored and wasting time?'.

Well, instead of wrecking your head and annoying your friends, there's an app that can tell you if your crush fancies you.

Say hello to Crushh, the app that uses algorithms to read and analyse words in a text message, to figure out if the sender thinks you're hot AF.

It's pretty simple to use. Once you download the app, all you have to do is choose the contact you want to analyse and the app will do its thang.

Its website reads, "You’ll get a score out of 5 indicating who likes who more, where a 2.5 means you like each other equally.

"The algorithms basically work like a person does. It looks at factors like frequency, length, response times, and features within the texts like sentiment, words, punctuation and emoji usage.

Image result for does he like me gif

"You even get a chart showing how the score has changed over the life of your relationship, along with measures of engagement and interest.

"It will even show the corresponding texts from any day so you can use it to pinpoint the exact messages that could have caused a change in the relationship."

And don't worry, the contact will have no idea you're analysing their texts.

No need to stress over that winky face emoji anymore…



If your relationship has reached its natural end but you can't bear the thought of seeing someone's face crumple as you tell them it's over, then we've found the app for you.

Rather than swiping right or left to choose your next hookup, Binder allows you to choose your next dumpee. Simply input your chosen victim's name and phone number and Binder will do the rest for you.

"The Internet has made it super easy to find the special someone," say the app's creators. "Binder makes it just as easy to get rid of them too. With one swipe we take out all the pain of chucking your other half."

The "rest", according to a few brave souls who have tested the app out, involves a text with the message "Sorry, you're binned" plus a VERY blunt phone call from a Scottish man who will sing a song about how it's all over. 

While the app is available for download on both iOS and Android in the UK, it has not hit Ireland yet so us poor souls will still have to carry out our break ups in a more traditional fashion for the next while.

Much as we would love to imagine that Binder will be a new revolutionary move in the world of online dating, the fact that it's sponsored by Scottish lager company Tennent's suggests it could all just be a bit of fun.

Check out the promo video for more information… and cross your fingers you're not next on someone's Binder list.

