‘Toblerone tunnels’ are the new thigh gap, and honestly we’re over it
Just when you thing it can't get worse, women are hit with yet another unrealistic body goal.
The latest craze? The toblerone tunnel.
Yeah, initially I hadn't a breeze what it was, but after a bit of research, discoveries were made.
This so-called tunnel refers to the little triangle of space between someone's upper thigh area.
You get it though right? The theory is that you could fit a Toblerone through the gap.
Honestly, I'm more likely to shovel a Toblerone into my gob, but hey.
Instagram is overflowing with celebs such as Cara De La Hoyde, Emily Ratajkowski and Holly Hagan all posting on their feeds with their Toblerone Tunnel on show.
For some reason, I'm particularly annoyed by this trend… if you'd even call it a trend.
From thigh gaps and 6 packs to massive lips and thigh brows, it feels like every few weeks there's something new and unrealistic to achieve.
And listen, if you have one of these things naturally, fair play to you, but I BEG you all not to go seeking these goals.
This new trend has received quite a bit of negative attention on Twitter, with loads of people outraged.
What in the actual f**k is wrong with the world when girls are posting pictures of their arses on t'interweb and inviting people to check out their 'toblerone tunnels?'. I always thought your toblerone tunnel was the one between between your nose and your chin #TuesdayThoughts
— Holly Tinsley (@hollytinsl3y) May 22, 2018
Muffin tops, saddle bags, now Toblerone tunnels… how we women have tortured ourselves. As a teenager my goal was to get so thin, my thighs wouldn’t touch but I just ended up walking funny. Brilliantly funny Carol Midgley on the subject @CarolMidgleyhttps://t.co/yPwzbfITok
— Emily Sheffield (@emilysheffield) May 23, 2018
Toblerone tunnel is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard
— Danielle Rock (@_daniellerock) May 27, 2018
I'm actually not even sure you can diet and exercise your way to a Toblerone tunnel, so just don't try.
You're gorge the way you are, I promise.