20 things that go through your mind before, during and after a run
Running is a great workout: it’s free, it’s right outside and you can go for as long, or a little, as you want! But, between leaving your home and returning, a number of things will go through your mind.
Before heading out
1. ‘Corrie’s on, I’ll go after’
2. ‘I can’t find my runners, maybe it’s a sign?’
3. ‘Where’s my t-shirt? Seriously, WHERE’S MY T-SHIRT?’
4. ‘Ugh, if I don’t go now, I’ll never go’
5. ‘I’ll do a few stretches and then I’ll go’
6. ‘I’m going, I’m going’
7. ‘Is my hair alright?’
8. ‘I’ll go for at least an hour’
9. (10 minutes later…) ‘maybe 30 minutes will be enough’
10. ‘I’ll go slow and steady’
11. ‘Ugh, am I nearly home yet?’
12. ‘Oh, another runner, better make sure I don’t look like I’m struggling’
13. ‘Breathe, breathe’
14. ‘Cramp, cramp, cramp’
15. ‘Please let the lights go red, please’
16. ‘Can’t. Breathe.’
17. ‘I can’t do this’
18. ‘Seriously need to upload more songs to my iPod’
Reaching home
19. ‘That was amazing’
20. ‘Definitely going again tomorrow’